This poem SO speaks to me!
This poem SO speaks to me!
^^President Sweet Honey in the Rock! Alice Walker imagining, reminiscing, loving friends & the natural world, resisting violence and racism, insisting on love. 1984
Surely the earth can be saved
by all the people
who insist
on love.
You would choose
not to come back again,
you say.
Except perhaps
as rock or tree.
But listen, love. Though human,
that is what you are
to this student, absorbed.
Human tree and rock already,
to me.
"We had no word for the strange animal we got from the white man - the horse. So we called it šunka wakan, "holy dog." For bringing us the horse we could almost forgive you for bringing us whiskey. Horses make a landscape look more beautiful."
- Lame Deer
#bookHaul from Coffee Hound Bookshop in Louisburg this afternoon. The Patchett is What Now? And the Fred Chappell book is signed! 😀
1. I‘m open to new favorites! Please see my Goodreads to see what‘s on my shelves. I like free verse best but I won‘t kick a sestina out of bed for eating crackers
2. Yes. Also, ibid.
3. All teas but white, I like lighter roast coffees & decaf, hot chocolate is life!
4. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate with fruit, gummi whatnot, sour goodies, tea biscuits, dried fruit
🦕🍳🍂 #Favoritepoetswap #poetrysurvey