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A Minute's Silence
A Minute's Silence | Siegfried Lenz
3 posts | 7 read | 2 to read
The delicately paced structure of Lenz’s novella begins with the memorial ceremony for a popular young English mistress, Stella Petersen, seamlessly alternating between this scene and eighteen-year-old Christian’s memory of a summer love affair with his tutor. They keep their mutual attraction concealed at school and as the season goes on the lovers continue to meet discreetly. Tragedy strikes when Stella goes on holiday with friends, sailing around the Danish islands. As the yacht returns to Hirtshafen at the end of the trip, a storm breaks. Before Christian’s eyes his beloved is flung overboard and fatally wounded. Lenz was twenty or thirty pages into writing A Minute’s Silence when his wife of fifty-six years died. Grief-stricken, he suffered from a serious bout of writer’s block and it seemed he would never finish the novel. With the passage of time, Lenz found that he could write again and complete this tender love story. Despite the obvious distance and difference of Lenz’s own long marriage and the brief, youthful passion of Christian for Stella, Lenz has wrought a well-aimed response to Auden’s famous request: ‘Tell me the truth about love.’
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A Minute's Silence | Siegfried Lenz
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A ceremony and a minute of silence are organized in memory of Stella Petersen, an English teacher at a highschool. During this ceremony, Christian, one of her students, remembers their story together, up to her accidental death.

Very well written, this short story is about loss, memories, first love, forbidden love. I liked the rhythm of the story, the coming back and forth. Overall a beautiful read.

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A Minute's Silence | Siegfried Lenz
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dabbe 🖤🎃🖤 12mo
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Schweigeminute: Novelle | Siegfried Lenz
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Eine wunderbare Novelle über eine verborgene Liebe, die man nur als sein Glück genießen kann, wenn sie selbst über ihre Zeit hinaus ein Geheimnis bleibt.
Für dieses Buch muss man eine Leseempfehlung aussprechen.

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