Starting this nook now. Just finish 113 minute (bookshots). I have really enjoyed all of the bookshots that I‘ve read so far.
Starting this nook now. Just finish 113 minute (bookshots). I have really enjoyed all of the bookshots that I‘ve read so far.
Killer Chef
by James Patterson & Jeffrey j. Keyes
Hachette/Book Shots
3.8/5 0
Two double homicides in New Orleans fine dining restaurant, Patsy's, has homicide detective Caleb Rooney hunting a killer hellbent on revenge.
Short, quick and interesting.
#teamslaughter #scarathon #theme @Clwojick
10 pts + 1 participating
At first I wanted to pick "so-so," due to lack of details, development, etc. But then I reminded myself that it's a Bookshot. It's a quick, easy read. And I honestly did enjoy the story and little twists at the end.
Not going to lie, I didn't know what James Patterson's Bookshots were until recently. So I bought four 😏
Didn't really care for or about the main characters. It was just ok. It's a quick read so nothing lost.
Starting this one. Not many reviews out there. Any thought? It's a BookShots, so not a huge time investment if it isn't my thing. But still...
Now reading this book. It's over 2 hours so should be an entertaining thrill.
My official review will be on my blog sometime tomorrow. Caleb Roonie is a New Orleans detective, and co-owner of a food truck with his ex-wife Marlene. When couples start dying of poison at New Orleans restaurants he has to find the culprit. Now I liked The premise for the most part, it was really interesting. I felt like Caleb was a bit blah. He's a chef. He's a womanizer. He's a detective. Maybe I will like him more the more I read.