I think what sticks with me most is how Francis chose to relate his journey, what he focused on, what was mentioned briefly. So much is the story of his walk across the U.S and what the stops entailed. You don't necessarily get in depth reflections about his initial reasons for not using motorized transport or speaking, because it was the right thing for him to do at the time. 1/?
Considering the joy and contemplative headspace walking has provided him, I am happy to see he is currently in the process of walking through Africa.
Other observations: love the little sketches bordering the text, and little poetic couplets/haikus that were sprinkled through. Something about having/making art on the journey makes it seem less lonely, 8mo
Francis rarely raises the point, but the frustrations of 'walking while Black', encountering the threat of physical violence as a result of racism is there, as is the truly ludicrous infrastructural failings that see direct transportation corridors barred from pedestrian use. If it's a safety issue, add a side walk or a lane you car-biased bastards. 😡 [Yeah, that's a little personal pedestrian rage coming out 8mo