Great one in the series. Plenty of twists at the end. Who doesn‘t need a psychopathic best mate like Win?
Great one in the series. Plenty of twists at the end. Who doesn‘t need a psychopathic best mate like Win?
I still get really shocked when American books use this word. It‘s a real no-no here. Very offensive.
Hoping Myron can help me forget the week! And some take away and cocktails. Government dictates and persuading team (again) to come back to the office. I‘m worn out.
One of the things I enjoy most about Harlan Coben‘s books is that I often do not guess who the killer is. His books also happen to take place around the area I grew up so it‘s a lot of fun to hear the references!
#Novemberbythenumbers One of my highest rated books with one in the title is book 5 in the excellent Myron Bolitar Series, One False Move. An excellent series and this is a 5 star book for me.
#5thbookinaseries The Myron Bolitar Series by Harlan Coben is one series I never tire of, this fifth book in the series got 5 stars, and the ending was quite key for what happened in later books. Myron Bolitar's humour can always make me laugh out loud no matter where I am! And you've got to love Win!
I needed some help choosing my next book and mini bookworm came to the rescue 😊 Now she just needs to let it go! 🙄