I wonder how one would go about writing an authorized biography of a drug? Would Keith Richards or Ozzy Osbourne give their blessing? 🤔
#rockinmay #cocaine
I wonder how one would go about writing an authorized biography of a drug? Would Keith Richards or Ozzy Osbourne give their blessing? 🤔
#rockinmay #cocaine
Streatfeild goes into the history, culture, and economics of cocaine with no preconceived notions. He talks to everyone from Colombian politicians to DEA agents to Freud experts to Marxist guerrillas to world-famous most-wanted traffickers, and he does it all with good humor and a healthy suspicion of everyone's story. All in all, an informative and largely unbiased account of one of the biggest, baddest industries in the world. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
In every research project there is one book that holds the key to wherever it is that you want to go. However long you slave over other, less relevant texts is a matter of choice or chance or perhaps how diligent you are, or how good a journalist you are, or possibly divine providence–I‘m not sure. But eventually, if you stick with it long enough...you bump into a book and you realise that this is the book you should have read in the first place.
I read the most delightful things for research. #writing #writersonlitsy #research #nonfiction #cocaine
Duncan: "It's funny because I don't even drink. I've been straight edge since I was fifteen. I used to drink six cups of coffee a day, now I'm down to one. The book is about the history of cocaine. At the moment I'm reading about Sigmund Freud becoming the first cocaine addict really. I'm working through the bookshelf in my new apartment. I don't know where this book came from. Maybe someone left it behind. Probably Gerald."