So excited to listen to Reputation. This calls for a Taylor Swift day tomorrow
So excited to listen to Reputation. This calls for a Taylor Swift day tomorrow
Ahhh hope I remembered to tag everyone!!! Look at the track list for #reputation! SO EXCITED!!!
I never thought of myself as a Swiftie. I liked her best during the Red era. 1989's Bad Blood goes against the kind image she'd maintained until then. Deep down she cares about her craft, her fans & I love in the different interviews you can tell her tone changes in regards to fame & living her life. Kim K's video didn't make it into this book...would've been an odd note to end on. I enjoy her music! Hope Album 6 is the best yet! Long live!
Interesting way to view the squad! Glad to know her close friends see her as a real friend!
If Taylor ever quit the music business and wanted a new career to challenge her, she'd make a great therapist!
While that's pennies to her, for her to take the time to do this, it means she cares and loves her fans, even if she is more "Famous" now (see what I did there?) ?.
Except Katy Perry, Kanye, Kim K, Camille Belle....sorry couldn't resist...but interesting how big her "squad" got!
Dang even when answering an interview question she can make the answer lyrical and into a song. The highlight reels vs the behind the scenes! Perfect! I have to say for whenever her 6th album comes out, I'm very excited for it!
And the fact that they did keep the secrets and she invited them into her home, that's loyalty on both sides! Impressive!
Yes I am one of the people with a cd in my car. If it's an artist I really like that does their own writing, etc I love buying the physical cd!
Apparently Taylor Swift: Girl Detective is a book that's actually going to be published. This cover is cool and the title hilarious 😂 & ignore the shadow of my phone in the bottom left corner 😜
This is an example of the power of music, how it brings people together, creates memories, & helps through hard times. Best fan profile in the book so far!
Ahhhh what song is this from?!? Love the lyric!!
"We'll never forget where we were the exact moment we found her. We never saw it coming, and we were never the same. She was a storyteller, a mind-reader, a believer, and a friend. She was one of us. She was Taylor Swift."
I wish more celebrities had this take on voting. It's great to promote voting in general & resources where you can find out more about the candidates & what's at stake, but being so hardcore for any candidate can turn off people and the celebrities, artists etc job is to make art to unite people, not cloud fans with personal beliefs.
Third thing I have in common with Taylor. I love to write, write, write
On #TaylorSwift & #Fearless & even #SpeakNow it was cute when she wrote about relationships and getting through them, but still SOOOO many songs on #1989 were about her relationships (Harry Styles, etc) & then wrote an anthem about bringing down a fellow artist (Katy Perry). I miss her more personal lyrics & when she wrote seriously. #Red is my fave overall bc it had the best of Taylor in every way. Album 6 is going to be all Calvin & Hiddleswift
See what I did there? One of her song titles 😜 To hardcore Swifties, that's the only way Jake Gyllenhaal will be remembered... 😉
Yeah she is! #TaylorSwift brand is worldwide now!
Second thing I noticed that I have in common with Taylor Swift. Moreso in my own life, than with books- I can usually respect the creative decision not to reveal something in a book.
Whoa, I have something in common with Taylor. I think every girl felt that way after that #GreysAnatomy arc! I know I did! Didn't hurt that Jeffrey Dean Morgan was a sexy beast! And he still is...even as Negan on #TheWalkingDead
This is cool! I saw her during the Fearless era.