I‘m ‘spring cleaning‘ my room right now and I just found this book that my Nan (now passed) gave to me when I was younger! I used to love this book as a kid 💜 #classic #vintage
Some of my childhood books that Bella now enjoys (although I might enjoy reading them again a tiny bit more...) along with my old ted (she doesn‘t really like him, but humours me) and startled-looking Tiny Tears doll, who sadly now only possesses one leg but is dearly loved, and still wearing an outfit my Nanna knitted in about 1979! ❤️ #readingnostalgia #raisingreaders
Um, maybe not your traditional entrant in #creepycovers, but I used to hide this disturbing number at the back of my shelf. If the cat is helping the dog, why is she staring ahead so psychopathically? Why is the dog so furrowed-browish and sly-looking? What is that yellow liquid? And who names a pet with such advanced skills Bimbo? #booktober #creepycovers #EnidBlyton