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Virgin Soil (Revised)
Virgin Soil (Revised) | Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
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Turgenev was the most liberal-spirited and unqualifiedly humane of all the great nineteenth-century Russian novelists, and in "Virgin Soil," his biggest and most ambitious work, he sought to balance his deep affection for his country and his people with his growing apprehensions about what their future held in store. At the heart of the book is the story of a young man and a young woman, torn between love and politics, who struggle to make headway against the complacency of the powerful, the inarticulate misery of the powerless, and the stifling conventions of provincial life. This rich and complex book, at once a love story, a devastating, and bitterly funny social satire, and, perhaps most movingly of all, a heartfelt celebration of the immense beauty of the Russian countryside, is a tragic masterpiece in which one of the world's finest novelists confronts the enduring question of the place of happiness in a political world.
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Virgin Soil (Revised) | Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
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My obsession with old books continues.

BarbaraBB It‘s a good one. 4y
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Virgin Soil (Revised) | Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
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Mason's pick for the year. I didn't love any of the characters, but it was fun to read as a political satire. I'd definitely recommend the NYRB version with the introduction. If you're like me and don't remember what was going on in Russia at the time from high school world history, the intro does a fantastic job of putting it in context and explaining how prescient Turgenev was in writing this. #litsyatoz #catsoflitsy

BookishMarginalia What a gorgeous kitty! 7y
Lcsmcat Beautiful cat! 😻 7y
schmia @BookishMarginalia @Lcsmcat Mason says thank you, she knows. (She's kind of obnoxious that way 🙄🙃☺️) 7y
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Virgin Soil (Revised) | Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
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Not at all what I was expecting! This is half a satire of the upper class revolutionaries of mid-late 19th century Russia (I liked this part) and half romance (not so much this part). Interesting, frustrating, and depressing. #1001books

Virgin Soil (Revised) | Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
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My next #1001books read. My first Turgenev, and it sounds really good. Fingers crossed!

BarbaraBB I am a fan of Turgenev! 7y
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Virgin Soil (Revised) | Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
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He is a very readable Russian, this Turgenev! In this book he writes an interesting story about Russia before the revolution. Ruled by czars and aristocrats, the country looks just like other European countries, in with the rich live their lives in a similar way as when I read a 19th century English novel. People speaking French, dining out, travelling in carriages in beautiful dresses, etc. #1001books Picture: Markthallen, Rotterdam

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