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The Descent of Man
The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
'Grayson Perry for King and Queen of England' Caitlin Moran Grayson Perry has been thinking about masculinity - what it is, how it operates, why little boys are thought to be made of slugs and snails - since he was a boy. Now, in this funny and necessary book, he turns round to look at men with a clear eye and ask, what sort of men would make the world a better place, for everyone? What would happen if we rethought the old, macho, outdated version of manhood, and embraced a different idea of what makes a man? Apart from giving up the coronary-inducing stress of always being 'right' and the vast new wardrobe options, the real benefit might be that a newly fitted masculinity will allow men to have better relationships - and that's happiness, right? Grayson Perry admits he's not immune from the stereotypes himself - as the psychoanalysts say, 'if you spot it, you've got it' - and his thoughts on everything from power to physical appearance, from emotions to a brand new Manifesto for Men, are shot through with honesty, tenderness and the belief that, for everyone to benefit, upgrading masculinity has to be something men decide to do themselves. They have nothing to lose but their hang-ups.
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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I admit that (intuitively) I am more of an individualist than is fashionable at the moment, but Grayson Perry makes some very interesting points about masculinity and its downfalls.

This is an eloquent examination of masculinity and its wider impact on society.

As with every non-fiction read, I don't agree with everything he says, but he raises some excellent points for discussion and I would recommend it to those interested in gender dynamics.

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry

"Several times I have asked audiences to put up their hand if they have sexual fantasies where the central theme is gender equality. No one ever raises their hand. (Who would? Nick Clegg maybe?) Perhaps it is a silly request, or maybe they are all dreaming of being bent over the desk by the boss, or being the boss. No one gets aroused by thinking about holding hands in matching fleeces while shopping for sofas or sharing childcare, do they?"

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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An extended essay on toxic masculinity, I'm finding this one an interesting perspective so far.

Perry is an artist giving an opinion, so I can relax and absorb his thoughts rather than dissecting the quality of his evidence. As with any opinion-piece, I find myself internally playing devil's advocate, but he's making some very good points.

squirrelbrain Great perspective! 2y
The_Penniless_Author I hope to God it's better than an article I just read that argued, in all earnestness, that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a "symbol of toxic masculinity" (including, I must presume, the roughly 50% of them that were female), and urged the public to "turn their gaze" toward less-popular dinosaurs ?? 2y
RaeLovesToRead @squirrelbrain It's good so far! 😁 2y
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RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Oh my days 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for giving me (and my Mum) a laugh 😅 For all we know the T-rexes may have formed a spouse-eating matriarchal society à la black widow spiders... I think I might pitch the idea to the Jurassic Park team. 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead They seem to still be putting one of those movies out every year or two, so I'm sure they'll take you up on it. Might I suggest "Her-assic Park" as a working title? ? 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author I don't think they'll accept the title on the basis that it has the words "her ass" in it. Sounds like a cheap, porn version. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author How about: Jurassic Park: Rise of the She-Rex? 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead First of all, who says it has to be cheap? 🤨 Second, I somehow totally missed that way of reading it. Usually I'm the one with my mind in the gutter! 🤣🤣🤣 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Yes, I would greenlight that 👍 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Looks like we're making a movie! 🦕🦖🍑 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Which version are we making again? 😂 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author I'm not even sure anymore 🤣🤣 2y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Today's purchases... looking forward to reading them! 📚 💕

jlhammar Ooooh, great haul! 3y
Branwen YES! What a great haul! The Margaret Atwood looks particularly amazing! 💕📚 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen I'm excited!!! 3y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Should be required reading in schools. I came to this thinking it would be about his art work but it is a manifesto for man. Loved it.

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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I‘m not too sure how to review this. It‘s an excellent read, a perspective I haven‘t read before, with spot-on narration. But my goodness it made me sad!

His critique of ‘traditional‘ masculinity and the harm it does to men (and the rest of us) asks questions that make you think about how you think about gender. And just how embedded/difficult to change it is, even

rockpools amongst those who would believe they have a more enlightened attitude.

Well worth reading, lots to think about, and yay for Men in Sheds!
TrishB Stacked - definitely made me want to read! 3y
squirrelbrain Sounds really interesting - also stacked! 3y
rockpools @TrishB @squirrelbrain 👍 I think you‘ll appreciate this one even if you don‘t‘like‘ it - and it‘s a very quick read! 3y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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“Men's rights

The right to be vulnerable
The right to be weak
The right to be wrong
The right to be intuitive
The right not to know
The right to be uncertain
The right to be flexible
The right not to be ashamed by any of these”

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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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“I grew up with David Bowie, the patron saint of the boy in his bedroom who felt alienated by the male culture of his peers.”

My childhood/adolescence summed up in one sentence. This was the poster of David that kept me company.

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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"Feminists and civil rights campaigners made white men visible in ways they'd never been before. They started to give the default dominant group equal 'otherness', and white men didn't like it. This feeling of visibility prompted men to adopt a victim status befitting an oppressed group. The patriarchy felt itself wobble and fall a notch nearer equality, but screamed as if it had fallen way below the groups it still oppressed."

GingerAntics This is very eloquently put. They act like they aren‘t still way more powerful than everyone else. 4y
Bookwomble @GingerAntics Yes, it's quite childish, really. "These are my toys! You can't have them!!" 4y
GingerAntics That‘s a great way to put it. “These are my toys! You can that‘s them!! If you‘re going to be like that I‘m taking my toys and going home!!!” 4y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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“Revolutions that really effect lasting change happen thoughtfully in peacetime.”

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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"Many aspects of masculinity seem such a blight on society that to say it is 'in crisis' is like saying racism was 'in crisis' in civil-rights-era America."

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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Putting off mowing the lawn, which is overgrown after I participated in No-Mow May, an initiative to let wild plants grow to provide early food for the bees. This would be a worthy thing had it not been preceded by my participation in an unofficial No-Mow March 🌾🌾🌾🐝🐝🌾🌾🌾

GingerAntics This book looks really good. I‘m going to have to read this bad boy sooner rather than later. 4y
Bookwomble @GingerAntics It's good so far - I'm still on the first of the four sections. It's one of those books that you read a bit of, then think about and process. I'm reflecting on my own unconscious, taken-for-granted assumptions and biases. 4y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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“There has been a great diversity of the debate of the subject,” it wrote, “but the generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger colour, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.” (“The Descent of Man” by Grayson Perry, 2017)

Curiouser_and_curiouser This was true only just over 100 years ago I believe. 5y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Book Mail, I‘m really looking forward to reading this

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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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I‘m loving this so far! I‘ve read lots of books on feminism but this is the first I‘ve read denouncing ‘toxic masculinity‘ from the male perspective and it is excellent (I‘m only 27 pages in...)

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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I really enjoyed Grayson Perry‘s TV series on masculinity a couple of years ago; he has enormous empathy, which makes for a more nuanced exploration of what makes men tick. This book runs along a similar theme but is more of a manifesto for a shift in masculinity. It‘s an interesting and engaging read but I found it occasionally a bit too broad brush in its descriptions of male behaviour.

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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An interesting set of essays on masculinity is very perceptive and has me both self reflecting but at times despairing. This is a typical extract and is giving me a insight into a man who i often admire for his bravery in publicly cross dressing yet like many men has this inner core bubbling away. I'll finish it quickly but definitely giving me much to think about.

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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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A timely series of essays investigating the role of masculinity in the written by Perry, a British artist and transvestite. He raises many of the issues which vexes men; we are presented with a stereotype of masculinity which seems no longer appropriate and Perry argues that it is time to work towards a new model of what it means to be a man.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds like great essays to read, I'll have to look for them. 7y
Oblomov26 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa they are good and thought provoking 7y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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When I get a pen out and start marking passages and writing notes in the margin, the book is speaking to me

LauraBrook I'm so looking forward to this one! 7y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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I loved the conversational writing and delightful illustrations. Perry considers all of us casualties of the effects of modern masculinity and advocates for a new approach.

I thought it was great. I learned new things about gender roles through time and enjoyed the book's unique voice and style. 4.5⭐️

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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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LauraBrook What I know about Grayson Parry I love! I've got this one on my TBR. (edited) 7y
LitLogophile So far I am really enjoying it! @LauraBrook 7y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Well, when you put it like that ...

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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Excellent book mail from Saturday and today! I'm most excited to read the bottom two. (Bless Book Depository, I knew I couldn't wait for the US versions of these!) #bookmail

Reviewsbylola I've got the Perry on the way from BD too! 7y
LauraBrook @Reviewsbylola Hah! That's a funny coincidence! Have you read him before? This is my first time. 7y
Reviewsbylola I didn't realize both bottom books are by authors with the last name Perry! 🤣😳 I meant 7y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Picked this one up on the spur of the moment, based largely on the cartoons and chapter heading. Looks like an interesting investigation into what it is to be a man in today's society

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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I fell in love with this book before I got my hands on it. When I read an interview a couple of months ago with #GraysonPerry, I just knew.

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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Stayed home from work today due to blood loss and the migraine that it causes. No, this time I don't feel guilty because I would just be a wreck at work. So I finished Perry's book. Thank you @penguinusa @PenguinPublishing @PenguinRandomCa @penguinrandomhouse for the ARC. As I have mentioned in my reviews read this along with "The Beauty Myth" by Naomi Klein. And then get turned sideways.

Cinfhen Rest up and hope you're feeling better 💕 7y
Eyelit Take care! 💛💛💛 7y
TheLondonBookworm :( feel better! 🖤 7y
ValerieAndBooks Hope you're feeling better soon! 7y
AmandaL Feel better. 7y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Pick. Pick. Pick. This is a well written, well thought out and sensitive plea for men to take a break. Have a chill. Perry wants to rework the idea of masculinity for the good of mankind. #talkingsaveslives

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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I've got to say this book is brilliant. I'm really enjoying. He uses language in a readable and clever way. #graysonperry #feminism #equality

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Just opened the book to this page...

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Great series of reflections on how being a man is constructed - plus great cartoons.

MariettaSG Sounds fascinating! 8y
charl08 @MariettaSG it is - but it's also funny, which I really appreciate 8y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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I this was an interesting read. Mixture of anecdotes, hard hitting facts and musings with a healthy dose of humour. The deconstruction of the traditional masculine role is important so that we can understand the need to evaluate and change the problems instead of clinging rigidly to old fashioned stereotypes. Now hunting for more books about gender if anyone can suggest any?

The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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Next on the audio is this! I've seen it around and know what it's about but don't know what to expect really and am intrigued!

Lacythebookworm Ooo, interesting! Looking forward to your review! 📚😊 8y
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The Descent of Man | Grayson Perry
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I like that my paper's magazine included a books page in their gift lists...

charl08 I've read four of them already though, which is why I usually ask for a voucher. 8y
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