Current reading and enjoying it much more than The Lie Tree, though that was a decent enough read.
Current reading and enjoying it much more than The Lie Tree, though that was a decent enough read.
DNF at 25% - not in the mood for this one at the moment, though audiobook is pretty good 😊
A world where books are banned????? WHAT????? I can‘t even imagine!!!! We would all be miserable wouldn‘t we? 😂😂No seriously tho! 😁
Anyone else excited for World Book Day? I just ordered all of these releases for this year! 10 books for £13, couldn't not! ❤
I enjoyed aspects of this book, but I got the distinct impression that the author didn't really care whether or not the plot was comprehensible. It was very funny at parts, but maddeningly slow at others. I'm pretty happy that I only paid $3 for it, considering how uneven it was for me.
No, YOU'VE got terrible impulse control and got yourself a second copy of this AMAZING gem of a book, by an extremely underrated & magnificent author because of how heart-stoppingly gorgeous the cover is.
Have you no shame?
#helpihaveaproblem #bookwormproblems #thatcovertho #flybynight #franceshardinge #bookrecs #booksaboutbooks #bookstagram #prettycovers #favouritereads
Mosca Mye escapes the depressing world of her uncle and aunt‘s farm and finds a traveling partner in Eponymous Clent, a smooth-talking balladier. The two become embroiled in political intrigue as the kingdom is split into factions loyal to different royal siblings. More: http://mwgerard.com/books-for-march-17/
First pic goes to one of my favorite books! Fly by Night by Frances Hardinges.