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Before us: Roman | Anna Todd
Life will never be the same Bevor Hardin Tessa begegnete, war er voller Wut und zerstörerischer Leidenschaft. Als er sie traf, wusste er sofort, dass er sie brauchte. Für sich allein. Ohne sie würde er nicht überleben. Und er würde nie mehr der sein, der er einmal war ... Nichts ist so, wie es scheint: Hardins Bericht von seinen ersten Begegnungen mit Tessa wird das Bild vom skrupellosen Bad Guy, der den unschuldigen Engel verführt, in ein ganz neues Licht rücken.
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Before | Anna Todd
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I am SO behind on posting, well, anything.

I absolutely LOVED the After series. Good girl meets bad boy spicy romance with a good plot. The bulk of this is from the main male character, Hardin‘s, perspective. It just seemed lackadaisical compared to the original novel; rushed to get the whole story in. She put in snippets from other character views to try and piece more of the story together, but it just seemed displaced. This one was just ok.

Before | Anna Todd
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I caved and read Before and hate myself now lmaoo it‘s extremely unnecessary. Let Hessa die at AEH.

Before | Anna Todd
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I could‘ve really done without Hardin‘s perspective- it just somehow didn‘t work knowing about his secret the whole time. I liked getting some insight into Molly and Steph though. I finally feel that Steph‘s transformation didn‘t happen out of the blue but was actually part of her character from the beginning.

Before | Anna Todd


Before | Anna Todd
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Could some perspectives be better off not known? While it was wonderful to be able to read mainly Hardin along with other character‘s perspectives, I enjoyed being able to trust myself to genuinely read through Tessa‘s voice in the 1st book of the series. Using my imagination to uncover what it means to doubt, fear, yet fight for someone or something they believe in was a beautiful plotline. It is true that everyone has their own version of heaven

Taylor What‘s this fan fiction of? 4y
Anchobi413 @Taylor It‘s the fifth book (and the last) of the book series, told through the perspective of a different character covering what happened in the first book. I think the author got famous through a story posting site called Wattpad..? I‘m not sure if it‘s a fan fiction. But I noticed the hype awhile ago and finally started reading this but it‘s a little too much modern drama for my taste. 4y
Taylor @Anchobi413 Oh okay. Well it says it‘s fan fiction in the description. 4y
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Anchobi413 @Taylor haha you're right, I didn't notice but it does say that. Hmm I couldn't tell what fan fiction it was just by reading the books.. (edited) 4y
Taylor @Anchobi413 Could it be the One Direction one? Is it about a famous pop band or singers? 4y
Anchobi413 @Taylor Haha not exactly.. no mention of pop band or singers in the book but I think I figured it out..? After a brief internet search, found that the author was a huge fan of One Direction's Harry Styles (so you're right haha) and named the character after him when it was first posted on Wattpad. But she changed the character's name to Hardin Scott when the book was later published. Thanks, now I got more insight on the book I guess 😂 (edited) 4y
Taylor @Anchobi413 Interesting... No singers or pop bands? So what is Hardin‘s profession in the book then? 4y
Anchobi413 @Taylor He starts out as a college student. Do you want the spoilers for what he ends up pursuing? I think I found out book four of the series. 4y
Taylor @Anchobi413 Ha no I don‘t, that‘s okay, but this is fascinating to me—so she wrote a book about a Harry Styles who‘s just like, in college? Like basically regular? Ha wow. 4y
Anchobi413 @Taylor Haha I tend to enjoy diving into books without knowing anything about them but I wonder if I had known this information before reading them, it would have changed my impression of the characters.. I don't know 4y
Taylor @Anchobi413 Yeah who knows.... 4y
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Before, Volume 5 | Anna Todd
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Quarantine read #11

Before | Anna Todd
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Ok. 5th and last book! Took some time off from reading to reno our bathroom.

Before | Anna Todd
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Book 5.... the Final book.... let's see what it says....🤓

Before | Anna Todd
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Book #5 in the After series. Although it wasn‘t my favorite in the series, I love how most of the book was in Hardin‘s POV. However, the best part was the last section of the book. Each chapter in Part 3 was told by a different character. Loved hearing all the different POV and getting a little closure or insight from each. #Book3of2020

Before | Anna Todd
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I still really like this book. However, it wasn‘t as much as the other books. I felt like some the people involved really had stories that were unnecessary. I just really wanted the book to be After in Hardin‘s POV with excerpts from his book. Still I would read it again :)

Before | Anna Todd
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I don‘t know why I like these so much, but I do! #Hessa Just finished this one on a bus trip to New York City.

Before us: Roman | Anna Todd
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#Teil5 der #After Reihe
Ganz ok als Ergänzung der Reihe, aber irgendwie auch überflüssig. Das Buch ist in drei Teile unterteilt. Der "Before" und "After" Teil haben mir gut gefallen, da man etwas mehr über einige andere Charaktere erfahren hat. Aber der "During" Teil war recht langweilig, da die Story ja bekannt ist. Auch wenn diese nun aus Hardins Sicht erzählt ist, gab es doch nichts Neues.

Before us: Roman | Anna Todd
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#Teil5 der #After Reihe
Eigentlich erwarte ich nicht viel von dem Buch, da die Story ja aus dem ersten Teil bekannt ist. Diesmal halt aus seiner Sicht. Aber ich denke, das Buch wird noch überraschen. Bis jetzt (ca. 30 Seiten) sieht es so aus, als wenn es die richtige Vorgeschichte von Hardin wird. Und das auch noch erzählt aus der Sicht seiner Ex "Freundinnen". Es könnte tatsächlich interessant werden

Before | Anna Todd
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#YAYAY1 cute baby for attention

Before | Anna Todd
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Read this? Have to say I'm really excited to get started 🎀💖 #after5 #before #annatodd #afterseries

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