😍 When the Airbnb you‘re staying in is filled with shelf after shelf of excellent books!!!
I loved Berendt‘s first book and I love Venice so I assumed this book would be a slam dunk. Maybe my expectations were too high.This read much more like a travel narrative than a true crime book- something I would‘ve enjoyed if it had just owned it. I think the essential problem with this book was not the “characters” nor the writing but that Berendt couldn‘t figure out what kind of book he wanted to write, so it ended up being all over the place.
It amazes me how Berendt can choose a city with a mystery and become acquaintances and friends with the most interesting people who are natives to that particular city. Not Savannah, but Venice. Not a murder, but an arson. Not voodoo, but centuries old architecture slowly being drowned by rising water. Both cities have the same mistrust of outsiders and a fantastic personality. Where will you take us next?
I'm not 100% sure but I THINK I've already read this, but I'm willing to try again. I loved “Garden...“ so it's worth the time to revisit this author. Gosh, I must be getting old if I can't remember reading it!
Upcoming Reads
Still waiting on Love, Hate, and Other Filters for summer #Booked2019 (Muslim author) and plan to read Black Panther (comic)
Just not getting into this one. I don't think these people are interesting as characters and I have yet to get to the part that deals with the mystery behind the fire. Maybe I'll return to it another time.
Learning so much about Venice! It always takes me longer to read through nonfiction, but I enjoy learning along the way 😊
Unplanned snow day + napping toddler = time to read! 😀
While not as good as Berendt's first book, this introspection into Venice, its culture, its art and architecture, its people and its history is still interesting. I think the reason it doesn't resonate as strongly is because the people highlighted frequently aren't likeable. It is more a collection of unconnected Venice stories than it is a single narrative. Still, it is an interesting glimpse into a mysterious city.
I was excited to read a story filled with mystery and intrigue in Venice. Sadly, I was disappointed. While a great case study on the people of Venice at that time, capturing some capitivating lives and a few entertaining stories, it just didn't hold my interest for very long.