⭐️Yes- every two weeks
⭐️I try to but my library may disagree
⭐️I dog ear, break the spines and write in books I own
⭐️If it‘s something I‘m interested in reading size doesn‘t matter (although I‘ll typically tackle those on my kindle)
⭐️Yes- every two weeks
⭐️I try to but my library may disagree
⭐️I dog ear, break the spines and write in books I own
⭐️If it‘s something I‘m interested in reading size doesn‘t matter (although I‘ll typically tackle those on my kindle)
1. Never
2. Ashamed to say I do not really visit the library anymore 😢. I have enough unread books in my personal library & get newer books thru botm.
3. See answer to 2
4. Heck no!
5. Yesss
1. Yes, usually in different formats
2. No and I should
3. Yes
4. NEVER! 😲
5. Yes
1. Always! I'm a full fledged #moodreader so I always have several on the go
2. I'm almost ashamed to say that I never go to the library 😮 Small town libraries aren't great for selection, plus I can't commit to finishing a book on time so it's easier to buy
3. See above lol
4. No, but it doesn't bother me. I do most of my reading on Kobo anyway
5. Once in a while, but I prefer smaller books. Too many pages and I get bored
1) No!
2) No
3)No, which is why 2 is no lol
4) No!
5) Yes
1. Yes! 1 digital, 1 paper, 1 audio is my typical configuration. I split between fiction and nonfiction also.
2. I‘m very sporadic about library reading. I have a large library of TBR in my house!
3. Usually
4. Never
5. Often
#yesorno #readinghabits #peekinsidemylife
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Sometimes
4) If they're my books yes I do; borrowed books no
5) Yes
1. Yes, trying it out now. 2. Depends on the month. 3.always 4. Never. 5.yes
1. Yep
2. No...I love my library, but there are plenty of titles on my TBR already in my house.
3. Always.
4. NO!!!!!!
5. Indeed.