2⭐️ A rather morbid graphic novel, retelling the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. It‘s interesting, but I didn‘t like it. And why are there so many drawings of naked women? Boobs galore there 🥴
2⭐️ A rather morbid graphic novel, retelling the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. It‘s interesting, but I didn‘t like it. And why are there so many drawings of naked women? Boobs galore there 🥴
On the street of Via Saterna in Milan, there exists a mansion guarded by a wall, rumored to be a #borderline between life and death. Once Orfi sees his girlfriend disappear behind the wall, he must follow her and find the truth for himself. This is a bizarre read for sure, with trippy illustrations to match... I read this for #booked2019 #comicorgraphicnovel #movember
1960s Italian graphic novel about Orfi, a Milanese pop star traveling through the underworld searching for his lost girlfriend. This book is so European. Grimy, dark, sixties, euro-stylr magical realism, unsexy sex, an appropriately grim Orpheus retelling.