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#1 Crush (Loose Ends Book 1)
#1 Crush (Loose Ends Book 1) | Kaia Bennet
5 posts | 2 read
Nicole Langley’s #1 Crush has always been Gabriel Roberts, but settling for being a friendly acquaintance has had to be enough.
Gabriel has always seen Nicole as his good friend’s very pretty, but extremely off limits baby sister.
Then a hot summer day and an even hotter discovery pushes them over the lines of friendship, over the lines of unrequited desire, and into each other's arms.
Will they indulge and move on? Or will this crush turn into something more, something deeper? Something that leaves loose ends begging to be tied…
**#1 Crush is Book One in the Loose Ends series. Each book is a full novel and the series will conclude with Book Three**
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For #weeklyfavorites, my favorite this week was a reread. This is book 1 in an erotic romance series from my #readyourkindle list that I wanted to finish. I enjoyed it as much as the first time I read it. I reread it because I wanted to finish the trilogy. I started reading the second book in the trilogy and I decided to DNF it because I wasn‘t enjoying it. At least I got the series off of my list.

Read4life Here‘s to getting a series off your list! 🎉 4mo
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Here‘s my review for a book I just finished reading. I‘m counting this book for #readyourkindle and #bookspinbingo.

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I just finished the first book in this series and I just started book 2. I‘m enjoying the series. I‘ve seen this series described as an erotic romance series but so far, there hasn‘t been any romance. It‘s just been a lot of sex. Every time they‘re alone, they talk but they have sex more than anything. Will they end up together? I don‘t know. If they do then maybe it‘ll happen in the 3rd and final book. I want to know what‘s going to happen.

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Here‘s my #readyourkindle picks from the numbers that were drawn today. #4 is a forbidden romance between a boss and employee. This is the new book I just added to my list. #10 is a book from Kindle Unlimited. I don‘t know what book I‘m reading for that yet. #15 is the first book in a trilogy and #16 is the second book in a trilogy. The trilogy I‘ll be finishing this month is Loose Ends by Kaia Bennett.