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Jane Austen | Mara Isabel Snchez Vegara
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Happy Birthday to me! 🎂🎉🎈💐📦

While at the Dollar Tree I found this Jane Austen book! 📕

arh0318 Happy Birthday! Hope your day is great! 1w
Seabreeze_Reader 🎉🎈🎂📚 1w
CrowCAH @hibbeari thanks very much! The day is going great! 1w
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CrowCAH @Seabreeze_Reader woohoo 🎉 it‘s a great bday! 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy birthday 🎊🎂🎉 1w
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 1w
CrowCAH @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks so much! Another year older and with more books! 😆 1w
CrowCAH @Ruthiella thank you! Sure is a day for celebration! 🎉 1w
rubyslippersreads Hope you‘re having a great birthday! 🎉🎂 1w
CrowCAH @rubyslippersreads it‘s been great! Started with some Halloween fun with my daughter. And ended with an adult book fair with my book club peeps! ☺️ 1w
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The Examiner | Janice Hallett
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I hadn't planned to read this on my lunch today, but then the reserve came in and I couldn't resist diving right into it!

janeycanuck OMG, so jealous!! I‘m first on the holds list but the single copy coming to my library hasn‘t come in yet! 1mo
bookwench @janeycanuck Funny, it doesn\'t have any holds at my library, despite my trying to interest people in her books. I think not everyone is as entranced with the epistolary style as I am. BTW, my fave was Twyford--what was anybody else\'s? 2w
janeycanuck @bookwench I‘m STILL waiting for the library‘s order to come in for this!! My favourite has been Alperton Angels but I haven‘t read the Appeal yet. Or this one! 2w
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Untitled | Unknown
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#tlt #threelistThursday

Interesting twist! My score dropped from 93 to 48. I included three songs where I didn‘t see the movie, but did see the show the song originally came from:

Old Man River (Show Boat)
Luck Be a Lady (Guys and Dolls)
All That Jazz (Chicago)

Thanks for putting these together, @dabbe

IndoorDame You should check out the movie version of Chicago sometime. Broadway to modern movie musical adaptations can be really lackluster but I loved that one! It really has the same spirit as the stage version which is tricky. 2mo
dabbe I say if you saw the show it counts as a movie! Your score should be higher than you shared! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🧡🩶🧡 2mo
wanderinglynn I totally agree with @IndoorDame - they did a fantastic job on the movie adaptation of Chicago. 2mo
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