I was really hesitant about this book near the beginning (it was a tad slow) but now I love this vigilante twist to the story! Also what a wonderful ship to root for! Definitely check out this book.
I was really hesitant about this book near the beginning (it was a tad slow) but now I love this vigilante twist to the story! Also what a wonderful ship to root for! Definitely check out this book.
I LOVED the second and final book in the DotPK duology. What a fitting end to this fun, pirate romp. Alosa is such a strong protagonist, and I love every heart-racing high stakes moment of this book. Full of action, lady leaders, pirates, romance, and humor, this book was a total joy.
I'm so excited to start this! It sounds hilarious. Girl writes fanfic about people at her school ;)
This book showed up unexpectedly in the mail! A girl sees holograms of people proclaiming to be from the future and sharing some devastating news. Can she trust what they say?
"Khalid opened his eyes. A girl stood at the entrance. She progressed toward him without hesitation. Oddly, Khalid's guards were not leading her... walking at a respectful distance. Almost as though they knew better than to lead this girl anywhere."
Sadly GS pales in comparison to RQ. The scenes are hard to follow. The plot is so highly unoriginal and basically a smorgasbord of everything ever done. It ends on a crazy cliffhanger though, so I'm sucked back in for another book.
I'm so excited to read this one! Anyone read it? Is it good?
An interesting concept well-portrayed with great world-building and an addictive plot, The Affiliate is a quick, absorbing read. My one problem is the romance though, can't get on board with insta-love. I'm not sure I'd recommend this one.
Rebel has non-stop action with bits of humor here and there, some hardcore rebelling, a sizzling romance, a slew of vibrant characters, and a promising end that makes me anxious for book 2!
Whip-smart with complex characters reminiscent of the famous Holmes and Watson, this book is for fans of Sherlock and mysteries.
Currently reading "The Affiliate" a fantasy novel rife with courtly intrigue, forbidden romance, murder, and mystery!
"For the winner of the game, there would be unimaginable power. For the defeated, desolate oblivion. The Crown's Game was not one to lose."