The most gorgeous, sexiest book I‘ve ever read. Reading this book puts what love feels like into words. Beautiful.
The most gorgeous, sexiest book I‘ve ever read. Reading this book puts what love feels like into words. Beautiful.
hypocritical mess of a book with an obvious message that‘s stupid. i can see why it‘s taught but i wish it wasn‘t taught to me
No character has felt more like myself than Holden Caulfield. Not once have I ever had a character talk about running away to a cabin just so he won‘t have to talk to anybody ever again. I get it. I understand.
A very smart book that obviously was a nice venting place for the author‘s personal mental health issues. John Green has a reputation for writing female characters as too quirky, too not-like-other-girls. Aza is not this. Aza is relatable, emotional, and you feel so much empathy for her. This is John Green‘s best work to date because it goes against the grain, and does it well.