Another excellent middle grade mystery on the moon by Stuart Gibbs. Can't wait to recommend this to my kiddos at the library!
Another excellent middle grade mystery on the moon by Stuart Gibbs. Can't wait to recommend this to my kiddos at the library!
Having hot alien sex in your HEAD does not a relationship make. He's not your boy when you haven't even met or done anything besides make out in your dreams.
"He didn't want me, not yet. But soon I would be there, standing in front of him, and he wouldn't be able to deny me."
Going to read some real sci-fi now, not this ridiculously dramatic outer space cross species romance.
"Having an excess of places to expel bodily waste in your home is a sign of status on earth?"
One of the many reasons why I love this book. I can't stop laughing!
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Hopefully the rest of the book is equally epic!
"To see a candle's light, one must take it into a dark place." With that Arren tried to comfort himself; but he did not find it very comforting.
I wonder why? lol
"When I was young I had to choose between the life of being and the life of doing. And I lept at the latter... but each deed you do, each act, binds you to itself and its consequences... Then very seldom do you come upon a space, a time like this, between act and act, when you may stop and simply be. Or wonder who, after all, you are."