Waiting for the truck to be serviced is more fun with Alana and Marko
Waiting for the truck to be serviced is more fun with Alana and Marko
My kid and I are discovering Terry Pratchett together -- this was entirely delightful!
I'm sitting here at the zoo with fries and Tillie Walden and the sun is about to go down so I should put my hoodie on but also I don't want to put this down.
My wonderful husband said if a package came today I should open it right away, and it contained happiness and a journey! 🥰♥️📚
This was first published in 1996 and that's when I first read it. I remembered that Maya was a Camera. I remembered the Russian dystopia. I had forgotten about the whale. I had forgotten the ending. This is a book for dwelling-within; it'll be a day or two before I can pick up something else.
I read this in 1996 when it was new, and recently I catalogued about half of our books into LibraryThing and rediscovered it. So it becomes the new bedtime book. It doesn‘t seem like 1996 should be as far in the past as it is.
If I‘m never sleeping again, it‘s just as well I‘ve got good company. Ted Chiang‘s brain is a remarkable place.
I've been reading this for a month now, in fits and starts, with entire other books in the intervals. It's rough going.