This book was amazing and unexpected. I thought it would be light and fluffy, and while there were some parts I actually laughed out loud at, it deals with some heavy topics. I highly recommend!
This book was amazing and unexpected. I thought it would be light and fluffy, and while there were some parts I actually laughed out loud at, it deals with some heavy topics. I highly recommend!
$75 to the bookstore... what should I get?
I read classics, I read literary fiction, I read sci-fi and horror... and I read stuff like this. I contain multitudes.
Book 3 of 2019. Loooved this. The subject matter is scandalous even for today so I can't imagine what the reaction would have been like when it was published 200+ years ago. Two thumbs up for this evil monk.
If you've read it, who would you cast as Ambrosio if you were casting a film version???
Funny story about this. A friend of mine had me for Secret Santa and I opened this book and thought the cover looked cool but hadn't heard of it. I asked her if she had read it and she said no. I asked why she chose it and she told me she found it on my Goodreads TBR list... woops! I mindlessly add a lot of books but luckily this one looks great!
Book 2 of 2019. I find it hard to judge books objectively when the characters are all terrible people, and such is the case with The Dinner. Our narrator is one of the most deranged characters I've ever had the pleasure (?) of reading and it made for a quick, twisty, shocking little book.
Reading at work means doing it sneakily from the computer. On another note, this book is insane.
Book 1 of 2019. Waited three years to read this but it was well worth the wait. Hannaham has a rich imagination, and this story was filled with magical moments alongside some truly terrible ones. Super original story and fantastic writing made this a great first book of the year!