Day 3 of #riotgrams: one world title. #Shrill by Lindy West was one of my favorite books from last year. If you haven't read it is very relevant right now but also super super funny.
Day 3 of #riotgrams: one world title. #Shrill by Lindy West was one of my favorite books from last year. If you haven't read it is very relevant right now but also super super funny.
A little hotel balcony reading - Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat, volume 1. I LOVED it! Cool characters, good concept, fun art. Highly recommended. (If you can read it at sunset near a beach, I also recommend that!) #patsywalker
A unique story of an out of sorts millennial dragged into a centuries old conflict. Intense, compelling art., including ossibly my favorite graphic novel cover this year.
I met the author - Christopher Sebela - when visiting my favorite comic book store, #FantasticComics in Berkeley earlier this year. The airline delay today let me devour it in one sitting.
Cold brew and comics. On this mini SoCal vacation I finally finished volume 1 of #giantdays. I liked it a lot, though the issue to issue transitions can be a bit jarring. Three great female leads, fun college antics. Looking forward to volume 2.
I finished Station Eleven and just loved it so much. Why did I wait so long to read this beautiful book!
"Survival Is Insufficient" by Baleineau from DeviantArt. I'm finally, finally really diving into "Station Eleven" which I have had on my kindle forever. It is an engrossing and delightful and a little terrifying. I am very curious to see what other fanart is out there.