Can I just say that her freckles look photoshopped? 😆 #yesIhavefrecklesIknowwhatImsaying
Can I just say that her freckles look photoshopped? 😆 #yesIhavefrecklesIknowwhatImsaying
Welcome to E section. The creeping mountain of books in the corner is aka the Tyndale Sort. Also also known as The Neverending Story. Okay I made that up just now, but still. The shelf I am on is known as the C level and also my least favorite level, especially if I need 100 books... (I think I see the Statue of Liberty!)
I love how this author does fairytale retellings! I don‘t think The Goose Girl normally comes to mind as a popular fairytale, but this was an excellent ‘real world‘ twist on the original.
Apart from loving the contrast between these two titles, The Bard and the Bible looks SO COOL. It pairs lines from Shakespeare‘s plays (and I think a few sonnets) and matches them with similar-sounding scripture, in King James Version, because IT‘S THE SAME ENGLISH. Totally getting this book. #PicksFromThePicks
I just really liked these colors together for some reason when I packed this box 😁 #PicksFromThePicks
Catchy title and kind of a cozy corner amongst the other stacks in A section. #PicksFromThePicks
How OCD am I? Enough to fix that before my cart moved on to the next pick 😁. #PicksFromThePicks
This caught my eye whilst picking for a wholesale order... #PicksFromThePicks
This cover is pretty. #PicksFromThePicks
I did a reading plan for this on YouVersion and it was super interesting. It didn‘t focus on guy/girl/dating relationships, but on your relationships with others in general. I may try out the full book. #PicksFromThePicks
This caught my eye while picking books for a big order today! #PicksFromThePicks
Put some books to good use here! Need to fill up my new shelf now 😜
THIS. BOOK. Oh my gosh, I debated multiple times about getting this book and I am SO glad I did. Gah. It was sweet, it was heartwrenching, it was beautiful. And the COVER. It's what drew me initially. I think this will be my favorite "unknown" buy this year. As in, I hadn't heard anything about it, unfamiliar author, wasn't recommended to me. Favorite DISCOVERY ??
It would have been great if I'd thought of doing this before Monday with the no-white-after-Labor-Day, but alas I only thought of it today 😂
Nimbus is assisting in the white stack as the resident albino sea turtle--he wears white year-round 😜
I'm always up for a new spin on a fairytale, especially this one, which I'll call "Swan Lake meets Robin Hood."
Also loved the tiny exchange between Odette and the monk when she quoted Scripture to contradict him and he got mad and left. 1300s feminism at work ?
I thoroughly enjoyed reading along with the soundtrack and getting to see some behind-the-scenes on the musical and making. And the history. Side note: I normally hate deckled edges because it makes it a pain to flip pages, but these were okay since the book is so massive 😜
Reading two of these in 48 hours qualifies me for a bookish hangover. Also I wanted more after finishing this one. Hopefully, judging by the subtitle, there will be more. *fingers crossed*
Of course I've got this huge TBR and had to reread this one. In my defense I did it after finishing one off my tbr by the same author with some of the same characters. I love how deep Dee Henderson goes in her books. Both lengthy + addicting. 😊
Squealed when I got home from my trip and realized this had arrived. ⚡️
If Buffy was southern and protecting someone rather than trying to exterminate vampires.
And new book no. 2! BOTH new books came a day early! My kind of mail 😆
New in-progress I've had on my shelf for awhile. The title drew me in; the cover hooked me. Also fairytale retellings are my genre kryptonite.
The reason I don't get rid of books is because I will remember scenes and snatches long after. For instance, I thought I remembered a scene from this book and tracked it down on Amazon. Alas no. Decent read though--the stories wove together the history of the mask nicely.
Fin. I guess you could say the movie took a real DIVERGENCE from the book 😎. Still overall enjoyed.
Dang, son. Some good stuff right there that I def don't remember from senior English class.
Haven't read this since high school or even seen a good adaptation so fingers crossed 🍿
Finding it hard to sit down and finish this when I've done the Unforgivable and watched all the movies first, but I'm sneaking it in on lunch breaks at least!
I cried the ugly tears, and emotional reactions of that strength always go in my 'liked' column.