This is my next TBR! I think. Maybe. I can't decide!
What's your next read?
#books #follow #caraval #tbr #sos #stephaniegarber #funko
"as swift as the wind as silent as the forest as fierce as the fire as unshakeable as the mountains"
there is nothing I love more than a girl who finds the hero within! this book is a beautiful retelling of Mulan and it currently holds my attention.
what stories inspire you?
my June fairyloot box was waiting for me when I got home today! so I figured I would honor the book from April! April was all about dreams and wishes and this book, like so many others, inspires me. Whether it's something that helps shape one of my own novels or just something that makes me smile, books are the best form of magic we have ❤️
#books #litsybooks #giventothesea #stackthis #tbr #love #dream #mindymcginnis #read #follow
yay for litsy! I'm so excited about this new platform for books and readers and writers and all things bookish! I'm still working through how this whole thing works. but i thought I would start with the top of my TBR!
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff is so magical and complex. I've only read a couple chapters, but I love how his format makes my mind work!
#books #nevernight #follow #like #read