So much book love.
Reading Robin, but already debating my next selection!
Intrigued and hard for me to put down. Only $1.99 for Kindle right now!
"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.”
The perks of working at a library. Someone donated these Italian language copies of Harry Potter 1 and 2, so I brought them home to live with my various other Harry Potter books.
Reading for the first time.
A Kindle-in-Motion version which is just lovely.🌿🌼🌹🌻🌷🍀
New library loan, but I think I'll have to get a personal copy. This is a beautiful book! ♥
I love when I can enjoy some quiet reading time at work.
Once in awhile, a special book finds you just when you need it most. I needed this book. I needed Tang. To have something so endearing, so happy, and just plain adorable come along and lift my spirits and warm my heart was entirely unexpected and welcomed. Five stars.
I am LOVING this book so far. If it wasn't for work, I'd be finished already. Hmph.
Decided to stay in Harry's world a bit longer...
New Kindle, new book. Actually doing the audiobook, but will follow along on the Kindle. I don't usually like eBooks.