I fondly remember reading Anne Tyler in high school, but I guess I've changed (or she has?). This book was nothing to write home about. A pointless rebelling of the Taming of the Shrew. 2 🌟
I fondly remember reading Anne Tyler in high school, but I guess I've changed (or she has?). This book was nothing to write home about. A pointless rebelling of the Taming of the Shrew. 2 🌟
I am confounded. This book was so heartbreaking, it was painful for me to read and I rushed through it so I wouldn't have to think about it anymore. But it was also so full of truth, and, in a way, beauty. I can't decide whether to give it one star or five. #minibookreview
This series of books about animals for children is so wonderful. Simple language, beautiful illustrations. Highly recommended.
I guess the ending didn't satisfy me. But otherwise, exquisite, beautiful Lamott. Also, so excruciating, to think of all the ways in which my children might manipulate me in not so many years. I literally had nightmares. 5 🌟 #minibookreview
You'd have to be a cold hearted monster not to love Frank. But the narrator is just as horribly self involved as she finally realizes herself to be, and the writing is only okay. 3 🌟 #minibookreview
Everything about this book is brilliant. I've drunk the kool-aid. If you need me, I'll be building a chicken coop on the roof. 5 🌟#minibookreview
Charming and easy. Well worth a read, but moved too quickly to address any issues in a serious way. 3 🌟
my least favorite of the three, perhaps because my own time is the least interesting to me. still, so thoughtfully written. 4 🌟 #minibookreview
(obviously) unlike anything else she's written; valuable as a meditation on language and also personal obsession and indulgence. super quick read, too, a huge plus at this moment in my life. but yes, a little rickety, a little less elegant. 4 🌟
it was my goal to read 52 books this year and I read 43. top spot goes to Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill. #minibookreview #yearendresults
I was so excited to read this. But, even though it was immensely thought provoking and heart wrenching at times, I found the writing uneven and uninspiring. 3 🌟 #minibookreview