What is this phenomenon you call re-reading and who has time for such a thing?! :) #GIMMEGIMME @Liberty
What is this phenomenon you call re-reading and who has time for such a thing?! :) #GIMMEGIMME @Liberty
Best book I've read so far this year! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you! :) #thewallsareclosingin @Liberty
So sexy and steamy.. I mean if you're into the hot for teacher sort of thing. It was just what I needed at the time :) @Liberty #VACATIONBOOTY
A touch predictable but I still stayed on the couch after finishing waiting for my husband to come rescue me (he didn't. I had to brave the dark by myself). :)
Nice to know some things aren't worth worrying about. Being a new parent is stressful enough as it is and this book gives some practical advice and words of wisdom I was grateful to read.