I did not understand the purpose of the entire book. It just stated the obvious without an interesting storyline. In the end it just left me wondering 'why oh why?'
Just something that hits you hard...
This book made me cry and laugh. Fell in love with some characters and even more with their spirit.
The book had nice Christmas-ey holiday feel to it. Happy and light read
This book left me with mixed feelings of sadness and anger....
i knew i was angry but wasnt sure with whom...all the characters did what they had to and would do the same all over again...
considering that this was a play it couldn't have one of those grand finale that were in the other preceeding stories but it wasnt too bad. it played with all the strong moments of the previous books. Professor Snape, Harry's parents, Cedric, the good side of Malfoy...it wasnt disappointing.
Gobbled it up in a day!
oh and you will crave a lot of pizza while you are reading ;)
This book is only good if you dont want anything gripping and just casually want to read a filler during a busy week.
Lots of details irrelevant to the story. I still dont understand what purpose did it serve other than filling in the pages. Instead of that a grand finale would have been nice.
Second book in the Bill Hodges triology. i am still scared of Morris
all the while i was at the edge of my seat. sometimes i even yelled at the characters about what they are missing. people at home thought i was going crazy :D
not a book quote, but for all the Harry Potter fans waiting for their Hogwarts letter...
Oh my dear Lord!! So many twists and turns, felt like a roller coster ride. People around me thought i was crazy with my eyes suddenly going wide and my jaw dropping open. There were moments when I was holding my breath and didn't realise it until i let go...
Absolutely enjoyed every single bit of it!
Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.
read it a long time ago and still remember it. It was that good!
p.s. the movie was horrible though, it couldn't even cover half the book.
It was very slow in the begining. so its best to start reading it when you have a busy week, but the last hundred pages, Oh My Dear Lord!! left me in tears and happy knowing that everthing will be okay.