The Dumbledore kind of wisdom.
The Dumbledore kind of wisdom.
God... Susan Sontag you were just too awesome. The sentence is painfully beautiful.
When I looked at those photographs, something broke. Some limits had been reached, and not only that of horror; I felt irrevocably grieved, wounded, but a part of my feelings started to tighten; something went dead; something is still crying.
Just finished Camera Lucida, now starting On Photography by Susan Sontag! ❤️❤️❤️
I am a primitive, a child--or a maniac; I dismiss all knowledge, all culture, I refuse to inherit anything from another eye than my own.
As spectator I was interested in Photography only for "sentimental" reasons; I wanted to explore it not as a question (a theme) but as a wound: I see, I feel, hence I notice, I observe, and I think.
The Volcano Lover is still one of my favourite by Susan Sontag. Such a breathtakingly beautiful story. I want to savour every word, every sentence. Every line makes me feel like I am falling in love. "If only I could remain here, under your benevolent influence, I should be quite healed."
Someone tells me: this kind of love is not viable. But how can you evaluate viability? Why is the viable a Good Thing? Why is it better to last than to burn?
It's just one of the most disastrous forms of unrequited love. #susansontag