“For the world, Einstein comes to mean not fat baby, or angry child, or odd boy, but great thinker.”
“For the world, Einstein comes to mean not fat baby, or angry child, or odd boy, but great thinker.”
Teaches children to be who they want to be because they can do great things.
A book that tells the story of young Albert Einstein. Not wanting to play ball or look at the shoulders , but to focus on school and do math. This book gives a message of how everyone is different in there own way. Genre: Biography; Published: 2004; Illustrator: Carol Goldenberg
This book really does express the saying “going the extra mile”
A book telling the story of Booker T. Washington and his want for his education. The fight for learning to read and write but only having fifty cents with a huge dream. I like how this book represents ones desire to make their dream come true, no matter how for the distance. Genre: Biography; Published: 2012; Illustrator: Bryan Collier
This book represents the warm heart of Jane and how she felt for and wanted to help those who were poor. I tells the story of how she went after her beliefs and opened a place that welcomed everyone that provided her neighbors needs. This created the Women‘s Peace Party. Genre: Biography; Published: 2017; Illustrator: Alice Ratterree
I love how this book has the English language translated underneath in Cherokee.
This book shows the development of the Cherokee Indians who become readers and writers. Sequoyah created a writing for his people that all could understand through symbols. This book shows how one leader can ch age the lives of their people. Genre: Biography; Published: 2004
This book should be included in everyone‘s classrooms to teach children where and how there lives became the lives they have.
This book is a book that everyone should read. It shows an important period in time when Martin Luther King Jr. changed the world forever through his inspirational words. This book represents his life and what he went through to get to this point in life, where everyone can be treated equally. Genre: Biography; Published: 2001; Illustrator: Bryan Collier
I like how this book includes photographs to give realistic imaginations.
This book would be a great resource to use for a research project. It tells the story of the WPA and one of its greatest successes, the Pack Horse Library Project of Eastern Kentucky. This book represents a time when those who were held back in life and are now brought back to their feet. Genre: Biography; Published: 2001
This would be a good book to teach students about survival and the times of survival. I also loved the photos included in the middle of the book.
I love how this book shows the love one has for there family. William and his family lost all their crops and struggled with money. For the love of his family and to change their lives, he built a windmill. This book displays who even the worst of times can be lifted up by one person. Genre: Biography; Published: 2015; Illustrator: Anna Hymas
A good book that touches on making the wrong decisions in life to using that experience into inspire a carerr
This books resembles the life of Jack Gantos who struggled with life and confinement of his youth. I like how this book showed how one used his life story of making the wrong decisions and being in jail into something that inspired him to start writing and find a career. Genre: Biography; Published: 2002; Award:
I like how this books tells a story of a young girl who followed her interests and created a lifelong sculpture with high resemblance and meaning.
This book is all about the life of Maya Lin and everything that surrounded her. I like how this book shows how Maya found her love for art through her parents and the world. Those inspirations lead into the story of how Maya Lin creates the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Genre: Biography; Published: 2017; Illustrator: Dow Phumiruk
I love the little pop up journals throughout the book!!!
This book is all about Mark Twain and Susy‘s views about her papa and how others views were wrong about him. It shows the hard work of his daughter writing her biography on him. This book expresses passion and love for a close one. Genre: Biography; Published: 2010; Illustrator: Edwin Fotheringham
A fun book to read in the classroom to learn about all lives and about diversity in the world.
This book allows children to look into what our earth is made up of and that there are so many diverse aspects to it. There is life living up high and down low, to the right and to the left, in the air and in the water, everywhere!! This book teaches students a good lesson that life revolves around in many places and that there are many other living things besides ourselves. Genre: Nonfiction; Published: 2017; Illustrator: Emily Sutton
This book actually showed me many things that have symmetry that do not usually pop into my head!
This book is an informational book that includes math in its reading. It allows children to see the many things in life that have symmetry between people, animals, and objects. Genre: Nonfiction; Published: 2012; Illustrator: Loren Leedy
I like how the book has extra facts that help hundred learn more about what‘s being read at the bottom on the pages in white.
This book shows the beauty of nature and the life of the walking stick. I like how this books shows the different seasons that the walking stick has to survive in and it‘s life cycle. Not many children know this insect exists and reading about it will allow them to discover more about the living planet. Genre: Nonfiction; Published: 2016; Illustrator: Jonny Lambert
A book that is referring to an organization, TransKids Purple Rainbow Foundation, that tells a story about transgender. This books teaches children that it is okay to be who you want to be. Jazz, is the co-founder of this organization, and shared her story to all who read. Genre: Nonfiction; Published: 2014; Illustrator: Shelagh McNicholas
I like how this book incorporates math, science, and history in one book!
A book all about numbers and how important they are to animals. Without numbers, we wouldn‘t have the ability to understand the things animals can do. This book is filled with straight up facts about all animals and illustrations that help us understand the facts. Genre: Nonfiction; Published: 2016; Illustrator: Steve Jenkins
This book has many terms that children may not understand. I love how the back of the book includes a glossary defining possible unknown terms.
A true story of 33 miners who survived 69 days under the Chilean Desert. I love that it has a table of contents because just by looking at it I can tell that the whole story is about togetherness. This book allows children to explore the unimaginable. Genre: Nonfiction; Published: 2012