Math is cool, of course. 💁♀️
I'm going to make an attempt to read this monstrous book. ATTEMPT. Slowly. 🐢
"For all that we have done, as a civilization, as individuals, the universe is not stable, nor is any single thing within it. Stars consume themselves, the universe itself rushes apart, and we ourselves are composed of matter in constant flux. Colonies of cells in temporary alliance, replicating and decaying, and housed within, an incandescent cloud of electrical impulse [...] the perception of it will, of course, make you dizzy."
There are two kinds of cultures in this world: cultures where what you do matters and cultures where all that matters is who you are. You can be the former or you can suck.
If I had a tattoo for every time I heard a CEO claim that she‘d just hired “the best VP in the industry,” I‘d be Lil Wayne.