Have you ever picked the perfect book you needed to read at an exact moment in your life? I‘m finding a lot of relevant insight and comfort in The Nix this week.
I bought Madame Bovary for $2 at a used bookstore on vacation and I‘ve never been so happy with an impulse purchase. This was the most fulfilling romance novel I‘ve read since Anna Karenina; Flaubert articulates every characters‘ point of view so well it‘s hard not to empathize with them all.
Found a pile of books sitting under the mailboxes in my apartment complex and grabbed all of these! Plenty of classics I‘ve wanted to read and a few fun contemporaries as well. Hardest question now is which I should start with!
Finally read this YA classic and I am emotionally drained. A beautiful story, well written, and an impressively stunning feat considering S.E. Hinton wrote it while she was in high school. I went in expecting a quick, fun read and came out in tears. I know I'm pretty late to the game with this one, but I highly recommended it for anyone else who missed it reading it in school.
Excited to start this today. I've never seen the movie before, so I can't wait to finally find out all about Holly Golightly!
Finishing this #halloween read tonight!