I loved this book so much: such a common occurrence - a crush, misunderstood - narrated by a boy with autism. Already want to read it again!
I loved this book so much: such a common occurrence - a crush, misunderstood - narrated by a boy with autism. Already want to read it again!
I haven't read a book this quickly in months! The descriptions of a crush are so right on, I felt fourteen again. Love this!!!
Found these cute shirts for my boys - nice gray button-downs with a Max patch on the shoulder!
Loved this. The games and riddles are such a fun way to get kids interested in the library and reading!
Read this in one sitting. Really loved how the story pulls you in and makes you uncomfortably involved with the family's problem.
Currently reading these Hogwarts textbooks as a "break" in the series. Book four is up next!
Currently reading the third Harry Potter, on loan from my mom - does she have the coolest bookmarks or what??
Why isn't there a LOVE option? I'm obsessed with this book. I read it quickly but never wanted it to end. Can't wait for the second one! If you're a book nerd who likes games and puzzles, you can't miss this one!
I have to admit I'm TOTALLY sucked into the world of Harry Potter now! Loved the second book, but I think I actually enjoyed the first more...weird, since a lot of people said that was the slowest one.
Yup, I JUST read Harry Potter for the first time. I didn't think I'd like it because I prefer reality to fantasy, but I'm actually sucked in to the series! It's not overly fantastical. Also, my husband is carving a wand that I'll "earn" when I finish the series!
Two-thirds of the way through this book and can't wait to find out how it ends! Eliza is an Amish sixteen-year-old who lives in Chicago as a nanny for her rumspringa.
One of my all-time favorites, but I haven't read it in a few years. My summer reading list might be re-reading all my faves!
This is a book I'll be digesting for a long time...It made me think of so many people. Such an amazing book.
Read this one outside on a beautiful afternoon. David Walliams is so funny, and I really like his writing style. Having Quentin Blake as an illustrator doesn't hurt! Have you read this?
This is what I'm #currentlyreading - a nice break from all the YA I've been reading. Cammie McGovern actually writes good YA novels, too! What are you reading?