"His woods, by blood and law. He was the sun of this forest, and here... he looked crafted from it. For it. Even that gold eye."
Lucien Candle (Autumn Lily, Lilac, and White Pumpkin): The Melting Library.
"His woods, by blood and law. He was the sun of this forest, and here... he looked crafted from it. For it. Even that gold eye."
Lucien Candle (Autumn Lily, Lilac, and White Pumpkin): The Melting Library.
"I bowed my head, closing my eyes and trying to calm down. I was losing. When she was around, she made everything small, and all I could see was her."
Have you read Corrupt by Penelope Douglas yet? If so who is your favorite of The Four Horsemen? I seriously can't choose between Michael and Kai!
"Some things are free, Rania. My love for you is free. All you have to do is take it. Accept it."
Happy 4th of July Book Babes. This read is one for the books, and forever a top rec! ❤️⚪️?
"The Court of Dreams is founded on three things: to defend, to honor, and to cherish." - A Court of Mist and Fury. .
I just finished this series maybe about a week and a half ago or so. I was telling a friend just the other day that I already want to reread it. With that being said, I foresee a reread happening in my future soon...
PS: This Court of Dreams candle from In The Wick of Time smells so good I can eat it.
This is all...
"'You alone are my dream,' she says, adapting the quote, tears in the eyes she refuses to pull away from me. 'And I alone am yours.'"
I swear I will read this book once a month. There's nothing out there like it. And I'll never get enough.
Happy #SockSunday LitsyFam! I just met Cora last night and it was AHHMAZING! I hope to read this one soon!
Have you read 'Roar'? What did you think?!
"In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there is a small town named Forks. Population: 3,120 people. This is where I'm moving."
— Bella Swan
What is your favorite Twilight Saga book/Movie? Mine is easily Breaking Dawn with Twilight pushing a close second!
Candle: In the Wick of Time
"When Tatiana looked up from her ice cream, she saw a soldier staring at her from across the street."
I've been hearing all over that today, June 22, Tatiana and Alexander saw each other for the first time. So I figured this would be the perfect shot for today's summer TBR shot.
I can't wait to read it with @nightreads and @bribookishconfessions soon!
"To the people who look at the stars and wish, Rhys."
I just finished this series a few days ago, and I've had dreams inspired by it every night since...
And what a way to dream.
**Candle from The Melting Library**
"Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book."
I like the idea of using Litsy for my more "Aesthetic" shots...
Like this shot of one of my favorite candles from my all time favorite bookish candle shop The Melting Library...
Along with this beautiful quote by John Green...
"When you want to make an impression and you think you‘ve gone far enough, go a little further. Always leave them wondering if you‘re just a little bit crazy, and people will never fuck with you again."
Hey y'all! While I'm still figuring out my footing around here, I will state that I think I'm gonna like it here!