Today‘s book haul. So excited to read these - not enough hours in the day!!!
Today‘s book haul. So excited to read these - not enough hours in the day!!!
I splurged and got myself an Oasis. It feels so nice to use!
I am loving the idea behind Cook 90. We‘ve been doing an almost impromptu Cook 90 since my partner had surgery and it‘s just been chaos around eating, but I think there‘s some great ideas here... and I love anything that promotes heath and wellness that doesn‘t tell you what to eat!
Love this idea!
From the US, living in Toronto.
Recent discovery - N.K. Jemisin.
I‘d say about 75 between books, audiobooks, & books never to be read.
I love reading on a plane. But honestly, I love to read so everywhere is good if it‘s quiet (but not too quiet!) & cozy.
‘A Visit From the Goon Squad‘ by Jennifer Egan. Or ‘Exit West‘ by Mohsin Hamid or the Binti series by Nnedi Okorafor. & a million cookbooks.
#littenintro @tessavi
Really excited to have this deliverers today. I‘ve been cooking from all the cookbooks I‘ve ordered this year. It‘s been really cool.
And cookbook number two. Gail and I are meal-planning this morning. With new puppy, we need to be organized! So this is giving us Sticky Mushrooms and Ottolenghi is giving us some fritters, eggs, and a lamb stew. This week is going to rock!! Does anyone else love cookbooks? I have so many but I really do lover hen!
We‘re counting cookbooks, right?? I read a lot of them!!