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Joined February 2018

Alek | He/They | 34 | I adore fantasy and classical literature. I also love D&D. I can't stand J.K. Rowling and anything she stands for. 🖤🤍💜
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Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell
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The Terror: A Novel by Dan Simmons
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The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison
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Kalevala: The Epic poem of Finland -- Completed by Elias Lnnrot, John Martin Crawford
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Lord of the Necropolis by Gene DeWeese, Eugene Deweese
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Tales of Ravenloft by Brian Thomsen
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Realms of the Arcane by Brian Thomsen
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Beren and Luthien by J R R Tolkien
Cranford | Elizabeth Gaskell

My second #Victober read, probably gonna stretch this out to a chapter a day.

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The first #Victober read of the year is done. I honestly had no memory of this but it is a nice little short story/novella. Very simple story that is probably inspired by Frankenstein in some aspects.

The Terror: A Novel | Dan Simmons
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📚Currently reading:

🎧The Terror

I put down WFTD and AK because I just cannot find the time to sit down and read. Will come back to them at some point in the near future. I have been listening to The Terror and I might finish it this upcoming week, on top of my #victober read.


I'm so excited for #Victober this year, and I think I'll start with the tagged

Doppoetry Goodreads tells me I\'ve already read it back in 2017, but I have no memory of it. I guess it\'s a good time to re-read. 😅 (edited) 6d
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The Turn of the Screw | Henry James
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📚Currently reading:

🎧The Terror
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead

I finished two novels last week (plus a short story) and I'm pretty happy with that. I plan to do reading sprints with one of the detective books (I have just been too preoccupied with other things to really make time for physical books) I will try to get some reading done either way.

Doppoetry I\'m about 19% into The Terror and I find it interesting so far. I wish it focused more on the survival aspect, but maybe that will happen later on in the book. (edited) 2w
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I haven't read a lot of true crime, but this particular Angela Carter short story is fascinating in terms of the negligence and incompetence of the justice system.

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Thank you for tagging me! #wondrouswednesday

1. Dark Matter by Michelle Paver - spooky and haunting, I find myself thinking back to it often.

2. Functionally I enjoy audiobooks most, they help me get so much done. But also I like all forms.

3. I think that might be classic lit. But fantasy is a close second.

The Turn of the Screw | Henry James
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Might be in the minority here but I really loved this!

This was a very interesting read. It is one of the few pieces of literature in which the ambiguity adds to the experience and atmosphere rather than hinders the narrative. The prose was very beautiful, although I think a lot of people might find it too “wordy“ Overall it was a solid ghost story with hints of feminism. Definitely a classic for a reason.

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This was such an interesting read. The Targaryens are such a fascinating house, the illustrations in this are also quite lovely. I don't really know what to say except I am looking forward to Blood and Fire and to learning about more of this wild, dysfunctional family and its history.

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📚Currently reading:

📕Fire & Blood
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead

Not a very eventful reading week, but I am very close to finishing F&B, so possibly I will finish it this week. After that, I will hopefully be able to focus on the two detective books.

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📚Currently reading:

📕Fire & Blood
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead


Didn't listen to a lot of F&B last week due to the construction noise of our roof, but I did manage to finish one book. I hope to jump back into F&B this week.

TieDyeDude Oof, hope everything is okay with your house. 3w
Doppoetry @TieDyeDude it's a bit of a fixer-upper and a lot of things need to be replaced. 😅 Not sure what the previous owners were thinking 3w
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Definitely an interesting read, but like Jackson's other work seems to be that I've read, it's very bare bones in terms of plot, even for a short book. I feel as if it gave us a bit more it would have been far more interesting. What I mean is instead of developing the plot points, the author leaves them as statements. The atmosphere was chilling and the character study was fascinating. I found myself wanting to read it more.

Doppoetry I'm sure it was on purpose but I do wish this felt a bit more fleshed out in the long run. I think that would have actually improved the atmosphere as well, making it darker, delving deeper, and wallowing in the plot points instead of leaving them as is. 1mo
TieDyeDude Thanks for the review. I was planning on reading this in October; I'll have a better idea of what to expect. 3w
Doppoetry @TieDyeDude yeah! I went into it expecting more but the book mostly consists of inner dialogue. Very interesting to read but leaves you wanting more. 3w
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📚Currently reading:

📕Fire & Blood
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead


I Didn't read at all last week due to headaches and eye strain, but I am feeling better this week and jumping back into F&B


I'm almost 500 pages in and things are growing more and more chaotic. I knew a civil war was breaking out and it affecting the smallfolk greatly but I didn't expect it to get so messy. 😅 I'm sure it will get far far worse though.

Thin Air | Michelle Paver
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📚Currently reading:

📕Fire & Blood
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead


Almost forgot to post this week.

I Finished both of the Michelle Paver books. Dark Matter was far better than Thin Air but they were both enjoyable enough. Been making very good progress with F&B though I am trying to pace myself a bit to not finish it in a few days.

Doppoetry Won't pick up any audiobooks in this last week of August, but I will try to see what to listen to in September. 1mo
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It has been two months so it's time to post the new installment of my #2024bookbracket. I read a lot more in August than I did in July but I still struggled a bit to decide which one is my top read for August. Looking forward to seeing what I pick for September.

(the template is by @/CSeydel)


Thin Air | Michelle Paver
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The setting was interesting, though this was a bit less character driver than Dark Matter was. I can't say the characters were completely flat but they felt a bit more trope-y than the other book.

My main gripe with it is that a lot of the plot was copy-pasted from Dark Matter and followed the exact same story structure. You can literally draw direct parallels from both, it's a bit too on the nose if you read both.

overall it was good, though.

Thin Air | Michelle Paver

I'm gonna finish this tomorrow. I'm really liking it so far but some plot elements feel directly copy-pasted from Dark Matter which is a bit disappointing.

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I think I tried to pick this up years ago, but didn't get into it. I now finished it in two days.

I really enjoyed how atmospheric it was and the profound feeling of loneliness persisted so well when I got deeper into the book. It definitely echoes Man vs Nature with a sprinkling of Man vs. Himself. In essence, it is a story of survival and perseverance.

Doppoetry It was also nice to see a queer character being represented in this time period. it was also nice to watch them going from not liking dogs to bonding with one. That journey was very wholesome. 1mo
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Thin Air | Michelle Paver
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📚Currently reading:

📕Fire & Blood
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead
🎧 Thin Air & Dark Matter


I didn't finish anything this week but I am sure that I will finish both of the Michelle Paver books as they are on the short end of things. Made good progress with F&B, I need to stop being tired in order to read the physical books.

Amphigorey Again | Edward Gorey
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📚Currently reading:

📕Fire & Blood
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead

last week was super productive in terms of books I've finished. 4 anthologies and Project Hail Mary was a delight. I moved on to Fire & Blood, but I still need to pick something lighter to listen to between F&B and detective fiction. Hoping next week will be similarly productive.

Amphigorey Again | Edward Gorey
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These were really interesting. This one included some sketches as well.

Amphigorey Also | Edward Gorey
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These are getting harder to find, but I am really enjoying the variety in these complications.

Amphigorey Too | Edward Gorey
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These were all so interesting, would definitely recommend these anthologies, especially for the Halloween season.

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I'm surprised I haven't heard much about Edward Gorey before, his work is so morbidly delightful.

Bookwomble He's fantastic 😊 2mo
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Project Hail Mary | Andy Weir
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I've been told this is a “perfect“ book but the ending is a tiny bit lacking for me to make it absolutely perfect. Either way, this book made me laugh and cry and was a joy to read as the other Weir books were. Still would highly recommend this author for an entertaining read.

A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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📚Currently reading:

📕Fire & Blood
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead
📙Project Hail Mary

finished ADWD. I am reaching the end of Project Hail Mary and the other palette cleansers I've picked up. My next BIG read is F&B and then I need to find time to start the other ones I've been wanting to start. When will my motivation come back from the war?

A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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I need Mr. Martin to release The Winds of Winter soon because what was that ending? what was that epilogue???

There were even more diverging paths this time around but some of them I did not care for because they did not add anything *cough* Quentyn *cough* aside from that I really enjoyed it and was on board with it.

Ok, ok my beef with Quentyn is more of “why did you think this would work my guy??“ and less of any moral failing on his part.

Project Hail Mary | Andy Weir
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📚Currently reading:

📕A Dance with Dragons
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead
📙Project Hail Mary

Made steady progress with ADWD and PHM though I was busy during the last week and didn't manage to finish anything. I will probably finish one book this week.

Project Hail Mary | Andy Weir
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📚Currently reading:

📕A Dance with Dragons
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead
📙Project Hail Mary

It felt like a slow week but I made steady progress with ADWD and finished My Best Friend's Exorcism which was an extremely fun read. I also started Project Hail Mary which I've been wanting to start for a while, as I keep hearing a lot of praise for it. So far it's been a good listen. Will continue with the same pace

Doppoetry -this upcoming week. 2mo
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This was a really solid and fun read. My only criticism is how the exorcism itself kind of... fizzled out towards the end?? and we sort of cut away from it which was disappointing and didn't feel very thought out. Aside from that it was overall a very good book, would definitely recommend it to fans of 80s horror movies, especially the B ones.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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📚Currently reading:

📕A Dance with Dragons
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead

Almost forgot to post this. Finished 2 novels last week and 1 short story, so I will call that a productive week. Steadily getting through ADWD, need to find time to start the other 2 I've been swamped with life stuff.

Doppoetry A friend linked me 2 other Grady Hendrix audiobooks and Project Hail Mary so I am hoping to get to those soon. 3mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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This was a pretty short listen (around 5 ish hours) it felt kind of... disappointing. The characters were flat and relied heavily on horror tropes, though Amy was way too relatable. the spooky shit was definitely spooky but also very one-dimensional, the ending was hopeful but also didn't feel like it wrapped anything up.

Doppoetry The design of the book is very neat, though. I always like looking through uniquely designed books. 3mo
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needed something short to listen to as I was cleaning, and this was something I always wanted to read. Short and atmospheric.

The Haunting of Hill House | Shirley Jackson
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The book was very atmospheric and the prose was beautiful, the characters felt very flat and nothing was really happening for half of the book so it was a bit boring. Overall a nice quick read.

The Goblin Emperor | Katherine Addison
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July is approaching so it's time to post my #2024bookbracket. Both May and June's picks were very fun in different ways. I am looking forward to starting my July reads.

(the template is by @/CSeydel)


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📚Currently reading:

📕A Dance with Dragons
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead

cleaned up my book report reads because I haven't touched them in months. Made steady progress with ADWD, and I'm thinking of starting Witness for the Dead next month, as well as Akechi Kogoro. They both seem to be detective fiction which is neat.

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📚Currently reading:

📕A Dance with Dragons
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead

thus was a hectic week so I haven't got much reading done. Making steady progress with ADWD, I hope to go back to normal scheduling this upcoming week. Switched out I, Lucifer because I was just not feeling like experimenting with long overdue books.

TieDyeDude I remember reading a Salvatore Dark Elf novel a while back. A co-worker recommended it. It was pretty good. Does he have more than one series? 3mo
Doppoetry @TieDyeDude He has a couple of different book series, but it seems his longest one is the Drizzt series (40 books) he has also written The DemonWars Saga, The Coven, The Cleric Quintet, Stone of Tymora (with his son) that I am aware of. He primarily collaborates/collaborated with Dungeons & Dragons so a lot of those are set within their respective worlds. 3mo
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I'm very excited to read this. While ADWD got me back into reading I couldn't get into any other book. When I was adjusting some things the gagged made me remember how much I enjoyed the writer so I'm hoping to jump into it either this weekend or the upcoming week


Can't really get into the tagged right now to give it a fair try, so I picked up a different book I was meaning to read

Doppoetry Gonna put tagged on hold for a while and see when I'm in the mood gpr something silly 3mo
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📚Currently reading:

📕A Dance with Dragons
📕I, Lucifer
📙The Witness for the Dead


Finished 2 books this week, but I am either in a reading slump or burnt out. I am hoping that tomorrow will fix that. I am looking forward to jumping into ASOAIF again.

The Shining | Stephen King
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Thank you for tagging me @TieDyeDude !

I would like to try Stephen King again. I used to have a short story collection of his, but it didn't do it for me, so I would like to read his more mainstream work.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, you'd think I'd like this book because it's very nerdy but it mostly felt like an excuse to shove as many nerdy references in a book as the author could and it lacked substance.


Doppoetry as for books that impacted me as a teen:

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice
Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? by Joyce Carol Oates
Anne of Green Gables by L. A. Montgomery
TieDyeDude I think my first exposure to the Lottery was looking it up after seeing a episode of the Simpsons where Homer threw it in a fire when he realized it wasn't a guide for winning the lottery 🤣
I really liked Ready Player One, but that is a fair critique. I didn't think it was possible, but they shoved even more references into the movie!
I like that Stephen King has branched out in his later career. He's done procedural crime, hitman thriller, etc

Doppoetry @TieDyeDude I read The Lottery in high school for English the buildup was mindblowing 😂 it isn't as impactful when you know the twist, unfortunately. I suppose that's part of why they teach it Freshman year.

I read RP1 for a book club and it was a struggle because everyone really enjoyed it and I seemed to have only seen the flaws 😅 It's a fun book but I was way too into critically analyzing it. Watched the movie w/ friends--
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Doppoetry -- and we all pointed out all the references we got, it was a lot of fun.

I own some of King's more popular novels (a lot of them turned into pretty well-received films) so I am looking forward to reading him proper. It's nice seeing him continue to write for so many years, it's pretty impressive.
TieDyeDude You should check out #LosersClub

They are going to #buddyread his books chronologically by publication date starting in October. I'm not great at reading along with others, but I might join in on books I haven't read yet.
Doppoetry @TieDyeDude Thank you for letting me know! I am currently swamped with Reading so perhaps that is something for the future 3mo
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This incomplete manuscript could have been an interesting novel were it was finished. The characters weren't exactly interesting but the events surrounding them were.

Artemis | Andy Weir
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Aside from some questionable takes it was a really fun and quick read. Andy Weir is so funny and writes diversity really well, there wasn't a lot of character development but it still felt like the MC changed with what was thrown at her.

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📚Currently reading:

📕The Love of the Last Tycoon
📙The Witness for the Dead


I finished AFfC last week and a short story, overall a productive week. Will be finishing Artemis this upcoming week. Started a bunch of ebooks too, still fantasy-dominated but I am balancing that with The Last Tycoon.

still trying to get back into my other picks.

Doppoetry I forgot to post yesterday 😅 4mo
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Third time's the charm. I got a 19 so let's try to read through this one. I enjoy F. Scott Fitzgerald's writing style and prose so this should not be a bad pick.

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Two DNF's in one week is a new record for me.

I just couldn't get through this poorly edited mess. There is a huge difference between writing mundane characters and boring characters. These are all unfortunately boring. The seemingly random stream of consciousness did nothing for the story and was just weird and unnecessary.

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Having a lot of mixed feelings about this book. Reading up about the author a bit and he is a genuinely nice guy so judging it harshly feels unfair.

But this book is edited shoddily and the writing itself is disjointed and rambling. Not to mention how writing about a real life kid who died tragically and writing from his POV is weird and unethical especially making money off of it. 🤷‍♀️

Doppoetry Like sorry but who the fuck finds out about a tragedy and then goes “This inspired me to write a story. I'm gonna pretend I know what this kid thought and his mannerisms and about his wife and daughter. And call them “baby“ and give my daughter a random nickname“

Excuse me?? Hello?? This is weird AF
(edited) 4mo
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Since Haunted was a no-go, I rolled again and got an 11. Irish Wake was actually written by one of my college professors, so it would be nice to read something by someone I've known.

Haunted | Chuck Palahniuk
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I love horror and I genuinely thought I would love this, but I found it pretty shallow and misogynistic and I'm only 10 pages in. The writing style feels very juvenile, from the start it felt like I was reading something by a 15-year-old, experimenting with 'edgy' content for the first time.

I am CONVINCED that you can write transgressive fiction without making it shallow and go for low-hanging fruit like misogyny and blatant shock value.