Worth every single bit of praise it has received.
Worth every single bit of praise it has received.
Dammit why do all my holds come in at once. #thelostgirlsofcampforevermore #everythinghereisbeautiful #anamericanmarriage #somanygoodbooks #womenauthors #authorsofcolor #readthemall
Terribly written - choppy and awkward dialogue, all descriptions read like stage directions - and the final reveal is offensive. Hard pass. Read for #popsugarreadingchallenge - a book that takes place on Halloween.
Totally entertaining page-turner. Highly recommended for YA intrigue. Read for #popsugarreadingchallenge - a book about a villain or anti-hero.
This book deserved an editor. It could have been good, but instead reads like a stream of consciousness that never really hits its mark. So much unnecessary detail given to conversations and interactions, so many characters introduced for no apparent reason...it felt simultaneously rushed and stagnant. Read for #popsugarreadingchallenge - true crime.
It feels weird to have enjoyed a book with this subject matter, but, here we are. It dragged on a bit too much at the end but otherwise I‘m glad I read it. I guess. (Read for #popsugarreadingchallenge; a book that takes place in a bookstore.)
I thought that reading a book written by two women would mean it wouldn't be steeped in utter misogyny but SURPRISE! here we are. The first half is so. damn. boring. and then the second half is fast-paced and depressing, and throughout the entire thing it's clear that these authors absolutely hate women. The tagline is "some women get everything they deserve." I sure didn't deserve this poorly-written pile of crap. #popsugarreadingchallenge
Read for the #popsugarreadingchallenge - a book about death or grief. It tried to take on a few too many things at times but overall a good read.
Someone refused his nap so I didn‘t get my uninterrupted afternoon reading time. Dammit, kid. Only a few pages in and I can tell how good it is so hooray for bedtime.
I can‘t tell if it was better to read this now, or if I had read it back when everyone else did. It was still shocking and frightening, but didn‘t seem as completely impossible as it probably used to. The failure to address race in any real manner was a big problem, but otherwise I‘m glad I read this. Read for the #popsugarreadingchallenge - an allegory.
Wait I‘m sorry WTF? #handmaidstale #margaretatwood #wtf #ilikethisbookbutcomeon
This book made me feel all the feelings, but mostly anger that it‘s been sitting on my bedside table for FOUR YEARS and I didn‘t bother to read it until now. What was I thinking. Fourth finish for the #popsugarreadingchallenge - this fulfilled the “country that fascinates you” prompt; while I don‘t think I‘m “fascinated” by any country, I do find both Japan and Canada, the two countries where this book takes place, interesting. So, done.
This book got dark but damn it‘s still so good. #popsugarreadingchallenge #ruthozeki #ilovethisauthor #ilovethisbook
Second #popsugarreadingchallenge finish. Thumbs down. Boring; not nearly as clever as promised. (Fulfilled “book based on a real person” prompt.)
Third finish for #popsugarreadingchallenge. The conclusion was a little bizarre and the whole premise a bit of a stretch, but it was engrossing and had a good side-plot with the twin sister that was respectful and necessary. (Fulfilled “book with twins” prompt.)
First finish for the #popsugarreadingchallenge. Entertaining enough but forgettable. (Fulfilled the “previous Goodreads Choice award-winner” prompt.)