Very interesting indeed. The plot is intriguing, and substantiated, I didn‘t lack for details. The characters are strong and developed. The dialogue didn‘t feel stunted, but flowed quite nicely. Overall a good read.
Very interesting indeed. The plot is intriguing, and substantiated, I didn‘t lack for details. The characters are strong and developed. The dialogue didn‘t feel stunted, but flowed quite nicely. Overall a good read.
The first story is a retelling of the classic movie, which was quite well done and true to the movie. The second story is a sequel of the movie following max and Allison‘s daughter poppy. I did not enjoy the second book as much as the first, it tried to play off the humorous parts of the original, but not always in a successful way.
The death of a century was a fairly good book. You‘re taken on a journey of a WWI veteran as he gets caught up in a wartime conspiracy and death of his friend. The story is intriguing and the characters are somewhat compelling; however, I found the story to be quite slow. It never really picks up the pace, and there aren‘t very many twists. But the ode to the war and its effects on those men as quite interesting to read and try to understand.
Solid okay. The story is interesting and you‘re brought into the world of the cavendon family and their goings on. The writing is a bit choppy, the conversations don‘t always flow very well.
The worst book I‘ve read in a while. It was absolutely terrible. Just a girl running around drinking and doing drugs with no rhyme nor reason. It‘s fairly short,!so I went ahead and finished it. But it was fairly awful. No purpose, no nothing.
Fairly solid plot, with interesting characters and a few plot twists. The story centers around two brothers during post war Germany, who concoct a scheme to save a group of people from the clutches of mother Russia. However, the writing style leaves something to be desired. Didn‘t feel very compelled to keep reading. So - so.
Oddly interesting. Sort of a biography of Alan Turing as told by a fictional police officer. Very analytical, and poses high level concepts ( not all of which I understood) but thoroughly enjoyed the read. Got a bit tired with the police officer and his constant indecisiveness and judgement. But all in all a pretty good book.
Terribly boring book, I‘m afraid. The plot was uninspiring and all over the place. Characters were thinly connected in a way that was supposed to be shocking, but with such a boring story I didn‘t really care in the end. I think this was supposed to be somewhat of a murderer mystery. But it just ended up being a bit of a gossip column and a “day in the life”. Just an odd collection of people and snippets of their lives.
Interesting to say the least. The story was a little hard to follow, but on purpose. Which kept me endlessly intrigued and alert. due to the disability of the main character, her thoughts run around and it‘s hard to keep up with where she‘s going. But I thoroughly enjoyed trying. The chemistry between the main characters is undeniable. Worth the read.
The most wonderful book I have read in a long time! The people were sincere and darling and witty and I couldn‘t put it down. Never have I wanted more then to leap into the pages and meet Juliet and Dawsey and Isola. I wanted so badly to join this society! May I also recommend the movie (on Netflix) which if you can believe, was just as darling as the book!
Not a huge fan to be honest. The characters were unlikable which is a huge turn off for me. Self centered, egotistical, and backstabbing. I couldn‘t stand any of them. The plot left a lot to be desired, more to the point, there was no plot. Basically the book boils down to thin wistless musings of garbage people in a cool surrounding.
Interesting plot, with a solid flow to the story and it‘s resolution. But there were too many characters, with three different names for each person, and lots of locations, and it was very hard to keep it all straight. The story is set back in the time of the Spanish inquisition and the author uses a lot of language relating to that time period that I did not especially know. But all things considered, it was alright.
Absolutely loved the first novel in this series, Caraval, so much that I preordered this book! And I didn‘t disappoint. This time the author switched it up and told the story from another point of view. Which I liked... and didn‘t like at the same time... Scarlett was an epic badass in the first book, but was almost entirely absent from this second, which I didn‘t care for. The ending left something to be desired. But all in all, a lovely read!
Gotta admit I wasn‘t too terribly compelled to keep reading this one. The story flowed well enough but the plot and characters seemed lost and almost pointless. Sort of a 1950s cop drama involving the big wigs of government. With so much at play it was almost hard to get into the simplicity of the storyline... just kind of a miss for me.
Not bad, but not really good either. The story flowed well enough, and the characters were okay (some were a little weird) But all in all, it just wasn‘t very compelling.
Loved this so much!!! I actually saw the movie before reading the book and was still able to love both in their own way (I think it helped with visualizing the ‘abstract‘ concepts in the book) I love a book that keeps me hooked the whole time and wanting to read more. I was very compelled by the characters, and their relationships with each other. I enjoyed the concept of the OASIS and how the players interact in the world. Just an over all 10/10
Not exactly what I look for in a book. The Past is sort of a “day in the life” type of book, with the real interest lying in the interactions between sisters and their connection to their grandparents and mother. It was an interesting concept and I did find myself intrigued by the goings of the family. However, the novel was slightly mundane and the author did not use quotation marks for when people spoke which maddened me endlessly.
What a lovely book. This story is honest and wholesome and entirely pleasant. I was urged to keep reading by the characters, they were real, and they were likable. There is conflict and resolution and throughout the entire story you are compelled to believe in these people. To believe that they will be okay and that their actions are made with the best of intentions. Lovely, in a word. This book is lovely ❤️
Bad. Just bad. There is really no plot to speak of... the story doesn‘t flow... the writing style doesn‘t flow. Honestly not much to say.
... okay? I guess would be a way to describe this book. Not a particularity thrilling or exciting book, I didn‘t find myself pushing the story. A very methodical plot that doesn‘t really keep you too riveted. There‘s gore and there‘s, of course, a werewolf, but there‘s no reason.
I am an avid reader of Katherine Howe, I was first hooked by the physik book of deliverance Dane, and I have made it a point to read her books ever since! Annie van sinderen in no exception. The story is compelling, being told in dual perspective really adds an interesting view to the story. An honest page turner that makes you want to keep reading. An absolute pick if you have a flair for the supernatural.
My 100th book since November 2011 (when I started counting). Damn... this girl can write. I almost hate to say, but she writes a story so well she almost forgets the fluff and plot twists and action slam you with every page turn. But those pages turn and turn and soon you find yourself adding Barnes and nobles to your shopping list. Just a fascinating story.
If you‘ve been following my recent reads, they‘ve been a bit disappointing, but as always with bargain books - its a coin toss. Well, Caraval, landed heads up. Wow. What an exciting read! I often found myself reading so fast that I was trying to skip lines to figure out what happened next. Very excited by this book and cannot wait for the sequel to come out!
I may be in few company, but I am genuinely not a fan of a wrinkle in time. I remember reading it as a child and not liking it, so I decided to reread as an adult before the movie comes out, but again, still didn‘t like it. I guess I‘m not too good at reading between the lines and looking at a book psychologically. I like the story to talk to me. The communication is very disjointed which makes it very hard for me to get into the story.
By far the best of all the dorothy must die serious; Danielle doesn‘t dissapoint!
Not really a fan if I‘m honest. He went into excruciating detail about every little thing. Tangents and stories that were neither about the plot nor enhanced it. I think he was attempting local color of sorts, but it just didn‘t work for this type of book. Honestly would have been good with about 300 less pages. Fairly predictable too, guessed the killer early on.
Certainly an interesting presence. The author takes quite a while to get the story up and going. And once she does you find yourself in a twist that I can honestly say I did not see coming. All in all I‘d say an okay book, though the plot is solid and the characters interesting, the ending is a bit... odd? Not what I was expecting.
A terrific end to a wonderful series. A surprise at the end to keep you holding out hope. But I won‘t read and tell.
The magyk of Septimus Heap is back in full swing. The main characters have really found their place with each other. Working together, and Septimus and Jenna as equals, it‘s really a good book.
The fifth book in the Magyk series starts to find its way back to the original magic of the first couple of books. The plot is much more sure and the story flows better.
As the fourth book of seven, the plot is beginning to get a little lost. Don‘t get me wrong, it‘s well worth the read, Angie has taken the time to create a world that you can find yourself easy lost in. I often imagined myself roaming the castle. But she‘s lost someone that magic from the first books.
As the third book of seven in the Septimus Heap story, the characters start to stall a bit. Young Jenna starts to (in my opinion) become a little annoying in her role as a young queen. Expecting far too much from everyone and just generally dragging on the plot line.
A continuing story of Septimus Heap and company. The story continues to build and the characters develop in a world that just keeps giving and giving. It‘s so easy to get lost in the pages of this series, and flyte does not disappoint.
Wonderful story. Angie really knows how to create a universe for you to get lost in. You follow young Jenna and Septimus and really get hooked into their stories.
A very educational and I hope historically accurate book. You really get transported to the time and the atmosphere. It‘s a very technical and complex read. I would expect to pick it up and breeze through (unless your that kind of reader!) however, sometimes I like to take the time to fully understand a book. Especially when it‘s concept is steeped in such truth and grief. But as always, the glimmer of hope.
Kind of beginning to slip into madness with the main characters, but definitely worth the read for the follow up on the relationship between the monstrumologist and young Will Henry. And as always, very unique plot lines.
Not as great a follow up to the original story, but worth reading for the character development of will Henry and the monstrumologist.
Like nothing you‘ve ever read. A unique book with deep characters and wild plot lines. You can‘t take your eyes off the pages.
The fourth and final installment in the monstrumologist series. A definite end to a very exciting story. It seemed as if the author just wanted to hurry up and finish the story. Not putting too much effort into the plot. And just seeming to want the series to be over and the story lines dealt with. Deciding to spin his main characters into mystery and hysteria.
Very inspiring book. A look at an imperfect persons harrowing journey. Beware though, it may make you angry, about what happened to those boys. But you learn that you have to move on just as they did.
A long read. But worth the time. Experience a world forgone in time. Margaret really transports you to a time and place and makes you invested in her characters in their outcome. And of course, as god is my witness, I‘ll never go hungry again.
A very wonderful addition to a quick reading series. Our main character Amy continues her story in a very unique way with even more interesting allies. The story is left open ended for the possibility of more books which is always nice. However, the originally story is put to rest, in what I would say, is the most thrilling and interesting of the series!
The second installment in the Dorothy must die series is just as catching as the first. You really find yourself breezing through the story. This time you get to know a little more about Amy and Nox. The character development is really there on this one as the backstory and sluggishness off the first story is shed.
A very interesting take on the story of Oz. The main character is goals, a real down to earn relatable teenage girl. Not the most sophisticated story, but the author keeps it going so well that you really can‘t put it down all the way through the series!
One of my all time favorite reads. The book just keeps you in, you don‘t want to put it down. With twists and turns you just want to read it! And then read it again!
A solid: Okay. A fast read so you don‘t feel like your spending too much time on a story that isn‘t moving. However, the plot line is just kind of dry and disjointed. The author focuses too hard on trying to stick to police protocol that she misses the catch that keeps you wanting to read more.