I have been reading A Call To Mercy. If ever there was a time to demonstrate (any) faith and extend care and love to all people, it's now. Because it is the simple recognition of human dignity that reaffirms our own humanity.
I have been reading A Call To Mercy. If ever there was a time to demonstrate (any) faith and extend care and love to all people, it's now. Because it is the simple recognition of human dignity that reaffirms our own humanity.
I literally could not put this book down. Konar has redefined Holocaust literature. Must Read.
This book has provided much needed solace and spiritual nourishment in the past 2 weeks. Madeleine L'Engle thank you for the gift that this book truly is.
Love it or hate it. I don't see much room for middle ground on this one. I think it would have made a sensational collection of short stories. As a 580 page novel it was mostly painful with occasional sparks of brilliance.
The first 10 pages were witty. But by page 37 another 550 seems exhausting.
I listened to this as an audiobook and definitely appreciated that Helen Macdonald narrated her story herself. I would never have thought I would be entranced by a book about English hawking, but Macdonald's delicacy in unwrapping and sharing her grief was mesmerizing.
This is a meticulously researched scholarly work that recounts the history of domestic service in the US, focusing on how it was shaped by racial & gender discrimination. A fabulous book for anyone interested in the intersection of race, class, & the role of women in society. Its attention to detail makes it easier to digest in smaller doses, the stories of the brave women who fought for their dignity stay with readers long after the final page.
I loved this book. You don't have to be a parent or Jewish to appreciate it. More than anything else this is a tribute to all sorts of behaviors and values that are appropriate for all ages and stages. I can't wait to share this with my book club!
From Mamaleh Knows Best. This book just keeps on getting better!
So much amazingness in this book!
This is a great example of a good book that just wasn't quite my cup of tea. I loved the historical setting and thought that the sparse writing style perfectly matched the main character's experience and story. I prefer more narrative detail to sweep me away. I enjoyed the book more thinking about it after I finished it than while reading it.
Calling others nasty names on the Internet is not derech eretz.
I read this book to help prepare for Rosh Hashanah (so much time at prayer services!). Some truly inspiring ideas mixed with an unfortunately preachy writing tone... it reads like a compilation of former sermons.
FWP - There is no good way to add bookmarks to an audiobooks while driving.
Schaub strikes a fantastic balance of humor, serious self-reflection, & research in this memoir of the year or so she spent desperately trying to de-clutter her home's "Hell Room". Recognizing that most of us live somewhere on the continuum between diagnosable "Hoarder" and "Pinterest-Ready" in our relationship with our stuff & surroundings, Schaub is refreshingly honest about how we end up where we do. This book made me think & laugh out loud.
More read-along with share my bookshelves TBR challenge (book 3 of 215)
This was an almost perfect book to listen to. Karen White's performance as narrator was spectacular. Kate Anderson Brower provides an insightful, thoughtful, and dignified description of life in the White House. I especially enjoyed the chapters discussing race, the 1st ladies, and the 1st children. Highly recommend!
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
I appreciated the vignettes from the interviews. I would have liked greater attention to socio-economic, gender, and racial considerations (ie tech access). Repetitive. The conclusion is excellent, skip right to the final chapter for a succinct review of the effect of smartphones on college campuses and strategies to support thoughtful use of social media.
"Prayer is meant to be the greatest commitment we can possibly make."
At its best, social media functions as a tool for navigating one‘s relationships. It is not a replacement for those relationships.
Where can I find a recording of Jackie O's tour of the White House?