"He had discovered long before that to defeat pain he had to separate it from time, its most useful ally" Decided memorial weekend was a good time to finally start my dad's favorite novel- A Soldier of the Great War!
"He had discovered long before that to defeat pain he had to separate it from time, its most useful ally" Decided memorial weekend was a good time to finally start my dad's favorite novel- A Soldier of the Great War!
"He assigned a stone to every full moon. He notches tables for moons in between. He created the first calendar. And now all his days were numbered"
This book will tear you up and you will love every second of it. The love story it tells is one of the best I've ever read, and it doesn't hurt that it's set during the high stakes Trojan War! The writing is beautiful, the mythology is well researched, and the characters felt real. Loved it!