Still funny. I love seeing #Solangelo again.
#rickriordan #thehiddenoracle
Exceeds my expectations. For once it's nice reading about a female protagonist who isn't snarky, smart mouth or always knows how to say witty comebacks.
It's quite interesting. I know new creatures like Nightmares, Skinwalkers. Hopefully the second book is more interesting.
#rebelofthesands #alwynhamilton
I always love Dahl's work. It's hard to review this book but I like it!
#roalddahl #thebfg #childrenbook
Bahasa Inggrisnya rada susah tapi ceritanya lumayan bagus.
#thewaterbabies #charleskingsley #englishclassics
The translation is good and the story is amusing. I esp liked Passy... (his name's so difficult 😅 it's hard for me to write)
#julesverne #aroundtheworldin80days #englishclassics
Sicklit ini kocak banget. Beberapa kali saya ngempet ngakak.
#meandearlandthedyinggirl #jesseandrews
High fantasy. Saya kira ini tentang romens kental melulu tapi ternyata tidak. Romensnya pas, magic dan fantasinya wow!
#thenightcircus #erinmorgenstein #fantasy
It's a sad book. Crenshaw the tubby cat only appeared when Jackson was down because of his family financial's problems.
#crenshaw #katherineapplegate
It's no wonder many fall in love with Atticus. Dan dia sabarrr bgt. Beruntung Scout dan Jem punya ayah kayak dia.
#tokillamockingbird #harperlee
The first book is great. Intriguing characters, Kell, Holland and Rhy. I saw this series a long time ago but had the chance to own and read it some time later.
#adarkershadeofmagic #veschwab #fantasy
Some of my friends say that the second book is slow but I still immensely enjoyed it.
#agatheringofshadows #veschwab
I truly enjoyed this book. I never thought that the murder was that person.
#agathachristie #murderinmesopotamia #pembunuhandimesopotamia
It's a retelling of Aladdin. I used to think that Aladdin's djinn was huge, scary and male, but Zahra was beautiful and clever. Though, too much romance for my liking :(
#theforbiddenwish #jessicakhoury
Every character is sick and honestly this book scares me. The murders, the suspects. Not my cup of tea.
#sharpobjects #gillianflynn #bibliophile
I read the simplified version ages ago and it was so great. Reading the complete version is even better.
#silasmarner #georgeeliot #bookstagram #englishclassics
Wonder is one of the best mid grade books I've read, that made me cry uncontrollably. Ceritanya mengharukan.
#wonder #rjpalacio #bookstagram #bibliophile
I never thought horror classic would be this scary. And thank you so much for the translator, proofreader who have worked hard to make this book enjoyable.
#dracula #bramstoker #bookstagram #bibliophile
I was gravely mistaken. I thought this was a children book with light theme but it's about gore, nudity, violence.
#johnconnolly #thebookoflostthings #bookstagram #bibliophile
A lot of twists, surprise.
#agathachristie #afterthefuneral #bookstagram #bibliophile #setelahpemakaman
Magic, fantasy, golem, djinn, action and romance packed into one book! I absolutely love it.
#helenewecker #thegolemandthejinni #bookstagram
Alif, seorang gray hat yang bekerja untuk siapa pun yang membayarnya. Intisar kekasihnya memberi Alif sebuah buku kuno, The Thousand and One Days. Karena buku yang ditulis oleh jin inilah Alif dan Dina mengalami petualangan yang melibatkan jin, efrit, marid, sila, dan berkelana ke alam jin.
#aliftheunseen #bibliophile #bookstagram #willowwilson #bookstagramindonesia #vikramthevampire