It took me a while to really get into this story and man did I get into it. I loved this story and can't wait to read the next installment.
It took me a while to really get into this story and man did I get into it. I loved this story and can't wait to read the next installment.
I gripe about a couple of things, but at the end of the day I love CR and I enjoyed this immensely. It was solid and I would giggle(like Grog going and battling a bunch of people when the rest of the party is talking about stealth.) It's fun and you'll have a good time.
Enjoyability 5
I enjoyed this quite a bit. The manga reminds me of a video game with the atmosphere of the different races. Humanoids and anthros.
I love WHA it's enjoyable and the characters are so sweet. I love that we are getting into darker territory with this volume.
My problem with the characters in this is the book has multiple POV(which I love in dystopians), but none were as developed as Zhang, but he got so much more screen time than any others.
There were a lot of parts where I was bored out of my mind, but there were a lot of parts where I really enjoyed myself and felt warmed. I never forced myself through the book, but I did wish that there was some overarching plot.
Goldman's writing was pretty good, it was fast-paced and flowed well. I was not a fan of Goldman as a character and was beginning to hate him by the end of the book. I didn't enjoy how he talked about his wife, or how he treated his son. I thought it was pretty gross. Also didn't enjoy how he treated women in his day today and I don't know if that's Goldman as a character or how he actually was as a person.
I love that Buttercup poured her heart out to Westley and his reaction is to shut the door in her face. So goddamned funny.
I enjoy Albertalli's writing. It definitely shows how different Simon's and Leah's narrative it. I admit that I missed the emails from book 1, but I knew that wasn't going to be the same. Albertalli's writing is easy to read and quite fast to read. It is easy to see how Simon and Leah are both unreliable narrators and I love when we have unreliable narrators.
As a retelling, I kind of felt it was too alike. Now I haven't actually read P&P yet, it's on my list, but I have watched the movie, and let me tell you beat for it beat it followed everything. There's nothing wrong with following the formula, but it was more that I didn't think you needed to make the names as similar as they were.
Overall I did enjoy the book but wished it wasn't so obvious. Kamal is an excellent writer.
The beginning of this story starts out pretty light-hearted and then starts to escalate rather quickly and turns into a story you love.
At the beginning I was kind of cringing at Dorthea, she's a selfish brat who seems to only care for herself and doesn't think how her actions will affect others. She develops wonderfully through the book.
I do like Schow's writing and I think she is cunning with how she ties things together at the end.
I have almost no words. This book tore my heart my heart out. I cried and cried and these characters were tangible that I wouldn't to hug them. The start of The Amber Spyglass is real slow until Lyra and Will are reunited. After that point though it's a real show stopper. I enjoyed that Pullman tied all his loose end together and enjoyed what Iorek talked about the knife and how it came to the end.
The fact that I got dragged by my SO while reading this cause I was crying so much says a lot. Philip Pullman really knows how to tug at your heart.
Pan whyyyyy
I don't have a lot of opinions on this work other than I enjoyed pieces of it and not the whole thing. I enjoyed the parts where Hermit dude was with Pepper and I enjoyed him defending the pigs. I felt like a lot of the book may have just been going over my head as it was boring. I'm not a big fan of his writing style, but if you like that old victorian style you'll like this.
Oof this book. Min takes you to a lot of places and made me feel so much. I took in this book blind because I owned it I think I bought it originally for a college class which I dropped and have been working to eliminate books on my TBR shelf at home. I had no idea what Red Azalea was about and found myself fascinated.
Kondo is so endearing to me and she doesn't make you feel bad for clutter at all. She warms my heart and reading this book felt so wholesome. Thank you for taking me on this journey it was beautiful.
Oh, what do I say about this book?
Firstly, I love how out of the first page this book hits you with the Queer and doesn't let it go. Almost all of the characters are on the LGBT spectrum and it's so good.
This story gives such suspense because it goes between present day and to the past 1904. Danforth paints such a good picture of all the storylines intersecting and how wonderful it is when all these loose ends ending up being tied together.
Valente‘s prose always astounds me. She continues to paint a vivid picture and leaves me desiring more.
“Maybe some girls had, in fact, later said that he looked rakish and fine, but for now let‘s discount their certainly incorrect opinions”
I‘m loving this already
I love Pratchett's and Gaiman's writing it's witty and they mesh so well together. I enjoyed this story and it was a good story, but it was real hyped up so I expected more from it. I love Pratchett's humor it connects the story very well with the audience and the annotations usually make me laugh. Good Omens has a lot of foreshadowing that makes you go huh when reading and I felt it to be enjoyable.
I really hated this book and I would have DNF'd it if I wasn't reading this for my book club. Bryson starts the book talking about he's not a pussy like some men, which really put me off and reeked of toxic masculinity there. Yikes. He makes all these comments about people that are condescending that I just want to slap him. In some reviews, I see some love that he does it and thinks he's funny. I think he's an ass.
One thing I enjoy about this series is bg where some characters are like whaaaat. It's v cute and adds a lot of enjoyment to me personally.
Volume two starts exploring class life and our antagonists get introduced. What I like about MHA is that they have so many students and they seem so fleshed out.
This manga is so sweet and wholesome I love these girls so much! ;;
At the end of every volume I just want more and more.
It astounds me how magnificent and sweet this manga is.
God, you ever read something and just feel things?
Not Simple comes crashing into you in the first chapter and never truly stops hitting you with the emotion train.
This piece takes you to places where you don't wanna go. Where you don't want to feel and makes you realize what family can mean and how much you want to find your family.
So, this manga is a spin-off of eva? I think spin-off it's more an alternate universe of the eva universe. It's pretty campy and fun. I'm not taking it too seriously and will probably continue to volume 2 to see how it shakes out.
If a book makes me cry and sob I am invested hardcore. And Oh man I cried in this book and cried so more.
I Loved Chakraborty's world, I loved her characters. They are flawed and beautiful.
One thing I love is fantasy politics and prejudice and to see it blossoming and it makes a world real and Nahri's world felt so tangible to me. I loved this book so much!
I had a hard time focusing on the first book, and when I read this I was zooming through it way faster. I loved this book so much it reminded me of fun fantasy that I miss experiencing.
I broke my rule with this book. 100 pages for every book! I only got half of that.
This book is so cringy I wanted to put it down so many times before I actually did.
Alexis(Consequently has the same name as me) is really whiny. It drives to the core that she sounds like a privileged girl and is upset that her sister gets better presents and is treated better(listen I get it I have siblings too) but she moans about it constantly
So I heard that there is a microtransgression against disabled folks in this trilogy. Does the microtransgression make it real bad? I don't want to read something with that and I want to make sure i'm not supporting an author that isn't for disabled folks.
This book is very long, but let me tell you it's worth the ride. I didn't like Part 1 a lot, but the writing was interesting and the plot seemed to be going well. The plot was well developed and had excellent character development!
I was taken in by Alosa's cocky witty banter with everyone she met. She made this book so entertaining that I loved it.
“Clegg was the last man in England to be tried for book murder-see annotation
annotation-Book murder was a late addition to English magical law. The wilful destruction of a book of magic merited the same punishment as the murder of a Christian.“
this is so goddamn funny to be, but also yikes.