My out of town bestie had car trouble and what was supposed to be a few-hour hangout turned into a sleepover! We decided to spend the day reading until her car was fixed. 😍
My out of town bestie had car trouble and what was supposed to be a few-hour hangout turned into a sleepover! We decided to spend the day reading until her car was fixed. 😍
Super cute! Loved the ferret. 😂 Gordon always writes such enjoyable books!
The first half was great, as this is one of my FAVORITE Halloween movies! The second half... Not as good as I'd hoped, but I am hoping they continue with the implied sequel!
Okay, I loved it, but... What was that ENDING?? All of my favorite characters got the short of the stick in this one. 😬 4 stars.
Showing off my Percy Jackson shelf in honor of PJ's birthday today! Also starting The Last Olympian per tradition today. 😍
The Maze Runner is too dark for a nighttime read, so starting this beauty! 😍 Wish me luck. 🤞🤞
Starting a reread of this beauty! I still haven't read the last two books and a new one is coming out in December, so time to try to catch up!
Finally finished this the other day! My reading has been so slow lately. 🙈🙈 But it was great as always, and definitely a well-needed light read!
Finally finished a book. 😭 This one wasn't as good as the first, but I still enjoyed it!
Buddy reading with a friend! 50 pages in and I honestly kind of love it. 😂 Lucy Gray seems like she's gonna be fun. 😂
Starting this beauty today! Super excited because Stan Lee. 😂😍
Finished this baby yesterday! Pretty sure it's a 3.5 star. I really loved the idea, but the execution just wasn't great. We spent 90% of the book focused solely on a squirrel with the dragons a very small subplot... It did make me smile a lot though! Hoping the next books will be better! 🤞🤞
Loved this! Definitely need a reread of the original soon. 😍😍
Starting this beauty today. 😍 Yes, I have too many books on my current read list right now. We'll just ignore it. 😂😂
Had a rough day today, so I bought a book. 😍😍
Started this beauty the other day! Love that the MC is a 20-year-old college student!
Up next! An old favorite. 😍😍
Finally finished this beauty today! 4 stars and so excited to read Wildcard! 😍
Made it 100 pages in, but I just couldn't do it... 😅 The MC is such an idiot; she was making me mad. I had NO strong connection to any character except the murder victim and the dog (and a little with the grandpa and the brother). And they're all minor characters. I do wanna know how it ends though, so if anyone wants to tell me... 🤷😂
Starting this beauty! It's a little odd so far, but I'm hoping it picks up soon! 🤞
Started this beauty for the #24in48! I'm super intrigued so far! And she lives in Chicago, which is so cool! 😍
Just what I needed in my life right now. ❤️ I laughed out loud, I cried... I'm SO excited for the next book! 😍
Such a great ending for the series. ❤️❤️ I'm so sad that it's over, though; I need more content. 😭
Switching back and forth between my many current reads. 😂 Loving this one so far. 😍
Gonna try to maybe finish this beauty today! 🤞 Only five chapters left!
Over a hundred pages in and really enjoying this book so far! 😍 Definitely a good one if you want to laugh!
The urge to color is very strong... 😍
Second read and while I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first time, it was still so good! Super cute read!
First book finally done for The Reading Rush Readathon! I've read this book two or three times before I still love it just as much! I'm sure that it helps that it's written by one of my favorite authors. 😍
I forgot these books have secret messages and I love it so much. 😍