Excellent writing and character development although I was not so thrilled about the manner in which the plot was handled.
Excellent writing and character development although I was not so thrilled about the manner in which the plot was handled.
Positive and practical advice. Creative ideas to spark motivation and action to get the most out of life.
At times informative, at times disparaging and over simplifying Religion and the course of change. I am not an expert about the religion or culture but Brooks' judging tone was off putting. Need to read this with a grain of salt. Or teo
Easy to read explanations about how the mind works and how focus affects our lives. Informative and helpful in training yourself to improve focus.
Surprising and so human. A grouch who is fallible and lovable. Makes you give people the benefit of the doubt when you might ordinarily just want to give them the finger. :)
Realistic and heartfelt story about a woman aware of her slow demise. Beautifully done.
This is much more than a book set in the holocaust. Great themes to discuss and fabulous metaphors. Was quite surprised by the book's depth and story.
First book I have read by this author. Well developed characters and plot. Some hard hitting points of discussion for a book group.