Currently reading 'Legacy of Kings'! I'm really intrigued by all the characters.
Currently reading 'Legacy of Kings'! I'm really intrigued by all the characters.
I loved 'The Dark Prophecy'! I didn't like Apollo at first, but he knew how to charm me. However, I don't think this book has a really good plot 🤔. But I enjoyed it nevertheless and still give it 4,5 stars. Rick always makes me laugh and his books read very smoothly.
I loved this book! The first book was meh, but this one? I enjoyed it so much. I'm sad this will only be a trilogy 😞.
I'm currently loooving Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor! I forget how much I adored Rick Riordan's writing 😍. This book is purely GOLDEN.
#MagnusChase #HammerofThor #RickRiordan