A captivating story that really puts into perspective the untold hardships that would be faced in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Clearly if the novel was able to win a Pulitzer Prize, it is worth a read.
A captivating story that really puts into perspective the untold hardships that would be faced in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Clearly if the novel was able to win a Pulitzer Prize, it is worth a read.
This book, without patronizing its readership, takes you along a thorough explanation of humanity from the Neolithic period to our day. Morris, with his theory, illuminates several points that, given the current situation, may be viable explanations for the current state of worldly affairs. All history buffs or sociologists should definitely read this one!
Recently, I finished this gritty novel, and I was not disappointed. Albeit the novel was a quick read, it really feels more like a conversation with Bukowski. You follow the rantings and ravings of a drunk man that would be normally looked down upon, yet you feel at ease with him and his every questionable decision. Definitely worth the read!
One of Kerouac's formative stories, written long before his years on the road, we see the true nature of Kerouac come out. In the same style, and maybe a little less jaded since he was still young, Kerouac delves into what life was like in the 1940's. A phenomenal read for any literature fan.
Personally, I believe this book to capture the essence of Kerouac perfectly. At this point, famous, drunk, and downtrodden, we see the ultimate collapse of Kerouac's character that he created through Road. Highly recommend all Kerouac fans, or any beatnik enthusiast, read this one.
Personally, I believe this book to capture the essence of Kerouac perfectly. At this point, famous, drunk, and downtrodden, we see the ultimate collapse of Kerouac's character that he created through Road. Highly recommend all Kerouac fans, or any beatnik enthusiast, read this one.