I‘m reading this and the Investigator‘s Handbook trying to learn how to play Call of Cthulhu before I try on Roll20. My mom is trying out the character creation portion. I think that‘s pretty cool.
I‘m reading this and the Investigator‘s Handbook trying to learn how to play Call of Cthulhu before I try on Roll20. My mom is trying out the character creation portion. I think that‘s pretty cool.
Since I‘m reading this book I figured I‘d share that I read 15-20 pages a day... I know that‘s not much, but I was wondering how many pages a day do you read-ish and what book or just the ish. Anyone willing to reply?
This is an AWESOME book so far! I‘m only 157 pages in and I have a lot to go. Grab it up before the movie comes out in Dec of 2020. There is already one out from 84 but I‘m doing my best to avoid it until I‘m done. By god I will finish a book before it becomes a movie.