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Joined January 2018

Hufflepuff, activist, writer, traveler, night owl, introvert, bibliophile, & cat momma🐱 www.goodreads.com/user/show/76919945-theapparatingreader
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Good luck indeed.

Chelleo I‘m a goner 🤦🏾‍♀️ 7y
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Every Heart a Doorway | Seanan McGuire
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My TBR stack for the #24in48 Readathon! No idea how much I‘ll be able to read, so this stack could definitely expand! I also have the audiobook for The New Jim Crow that I hope to get through a decent amount of when I‘m unable to physically read.

Stack from bottom to top:
The Gentleman‘s Guide to Vice and Virtue| The Ocean at the End of the Lane| An Ember in the Ashes| A Torch Against the Night| Every Heart a Doorway

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My sleepy kitty keeping me company as I read 😌 This book is trippy. It‘s probably one of the weirdest books I‘ve read. The Ocean at the End of the Lane is my first exposure to Neil Gaiman and I‘m starting to understand many people‘s love for his writing. Looking forward to finishing this and reading more of his disturbing works.

ofclumsywords Aw love your cat!! And I just recently started reading Gaiman too! Really love his quirkiness! 7y
Lacythebookworm 😻Welcome to Litsy! 7y
TheApparatingReader @Ofclumsywords Thanks 😊 I love it too, definitely unlike any author I‘ve read before! 7y
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Leniverse Reading it with a cat though! Don't you just want to hug your reading buddy close and never let go? 😭 7y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
TheApparatingReader @Leniverse yesss! 😻 Although she would probably smack me if I held on too long 😂 7y
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Little Draco is here as my bookmark. He looks a bit like the Monty on the front cover of the novel 😏

I‘m finding the book great so far and falling absolutely in love with this author‘s writing style. It‘s hilarious and so entertaining to read! I do hope this lives up to all the hype it‘s gotten recently.

#dracomalfoy #harrypotter #thegentlemansguide #mackenzilee #2017books

RaimeyGallant I'm curious about this book now. And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. 7y
BookedBySunrise Cute book marker 7y
TheApparatingReader @RaimeyGallant Thank you! Those Litsy tips were really helpful 😊 7y
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Buddys_Momma Welcome to Litsy!!! 😁 7y
mabell Welcome! 🎉 7y
RaimeyGallant Awesome:) 7y
Lynnsoprano Welcome to our Litsy family. 7y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😸 7y
EmeraldSorceress Wait... how could I not hear of these?? What are these miraculous amazing things??? are they versions of Harry Potter from another view?????? 🤯🤯🤯🤪🤪 6y
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