I loved that this story didn't dwell on the why's but focused more on what's next. The story never said why the events occurred. Instead it proceeded with the events in such vivid detail.
It is a great easy read. It provides positives and negatives to decisions made throughout the pregnancy without making the reader feel like they HAVE to do it her way. Very open-minded, provides great resources and simple read. My favorite thing about the book is Oster provides her decisions along with other women's to add a variety. Ultimately as a parent, its good to be informed but do what YOU feel is best, not what is pressured on you.
I'm about half way through and so far I like it. It's a quick and easy read plus it has the undertones of political criticism. I love how parallel the animals are to the Bolshevik revolution and am excited to see if Orwell kept it similar enough that the pigs become dictators and a famine breaks out.
Amazing story and quick to read! It keeps you guessing if Lane is going to be like all the other Roanoke girls or the one that will break the silence.
I stumbled across this book on libby and don't normally read thrillers. I was not expecting such twists. I'm about half-way through and the anticipation of finding the missing girl increases with hope that the family secrets finally get brought to light. I've been searching for a good book to get me back into reading after graduating college and it was the perfect fit.